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Subject: Next part's INSIDE>

Sekin Brightfall
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Date Posted: 22:53:23 03/28/04 Sun
In reply to: Sekin Brightfall 's message, "Sorry about making it so long everyone! My apologies!!!! Here's the new post for the other Chapters." on 22:51:42 03/28/04 Sun

Sarvin strode up to the second gate, identical to the first if not slightly smaller and tried pushing it open. Locked, of course. The bolt clasped with a paddock seemed to mock her as she tugged at it to see if it was open and then she snarled in disgust when it didn't give. In a sudden flash of ill temper, Sarvin clanged the paddock against the solid door, making it clash with the iron hinges. The sound cut through the eerie quiet.
Sarvin looked up at the top of the wall, a good fifteen feet above her and decided that it might just be too high to climb. With a grimace, Sarvin kicked the door angrily and then opened herself to the boiling, turbulent Flows.

Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac's head shot up and turned to the right and he held it there, his body tense and coiled. Bwir and Grinfak were also staring that way, taunt and ready to move. They, just like him, could feel the Flows being Woven in their minds, the threads snapping into place in someone's Weave. The scar destroyed the Dark Captain's smile as he gestured to a side street. Bwir nodded and stole forwards, but Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac stayed Grinfak. "Unravel her Flows," he hissed. "You said that you were strong enough, so un-Weave them!"
Although Grinfak's face was hidden by her hood, Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac could feel her angry gaze like red-hot knives. And yet, the Dark Captain could sense her shoving the Flows out of the pattern that Sarvin was trying to achieve. With a second hiss, this time of delight, Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac leapt after Bwir, his sword sliding out of its scabbard as he applied himself to helping Grinfak destroy Sarvin's Weave. The Flows hated being Woven and now they unraveled like thread under his pressure, until Sarvin's Weave was completely destroyed. Laughing softly to himself, Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac bounded forwards. His eyes however were still shinning with fear. He wouldn't fail this time! He couldn't.

Sarvin felt the Flows bending slowly to her will and yet still resisting as she hardened the air to make a key. She grunted with concentration as she snapped one into place and then she felt it. It was as if a thread had come loose in a tapestry. Someone was trying to destroy her Weave. Shinning eyes snapped open as Sarvin's breaths became harsh pants as she hurriedly tried to fix the loose thread in her pattern. But, no sooner had she almost fixed it, then a far greater force began to unravel her Weaving at its edges.
Snarling a harsh curse, she frantically tried to re-spin the threads of magic, but like taut cords, they were snapping in too many places at once. Despite her best efforts, her Weave finally broke apart, crumbling into ruin.
Sarvin released the Flows and drew her blade. Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac. He was here. With one last hateful glance at the colossal wall and locked gate, Sarvin began to slink down the street. Several times, she snatched at the Flows and grappling with them, only managed to Weave the first few strands before the Falcon of the Dark ripped them out of her control. Her eyes blazed fiercely and her grip tightened on her sword. Her sword. Her only weapon against the Captain of the Dark. Throwing back her head, she laughed out loud, the sound tinged with franticness. Not very good odds at all.

Bwir bounded forwards. He could feel that the Flows were completely unraveled and he knew that now, Sarvin was almost helpless. His boots made no sound at all on the bones as he surged towards where he had first felt Sarvin Weaving, his lithe form flashing past the houses with a hiss of fabric. The sun played up and down his needles in his belt as he drew on almost lovingly, the metal as cold as his eyes.
Rounding a corner, Bwir heard a frenzied bark of a laugh and he shook his head, smiling slightly. Sarvin. With all the prowess of a hunting predator that sense meat nearby, Bwir leapt into another side street. The gate was right in front of him, but of Sarvin, there was no sign. Houses bordered both sides of the dead end street, the only exit was through the gate or on the street that Bwir had just come from.
Bwir whirled as the clink of breaking tiles reached his ears. The street behind him was deserted as was the street in front of him. And yet, he could almost sense Sarvin, could almost feel her gaze on him… He whirled again, back to the gate, but no one was there. A second needle, almost large enough to be a considered a sword except that it had only a handle and not a hilt, leapt into his left hand, seemingly of its own accord. Sarvin was here. He could feel it. But where?
Suddenly, as the Stabnar shifted uneasily, a hideous chuckle cut through the air right above him. Bwir twisted to face the sound, in time to see a shape detach itself from the roof of the house that Bwir stood under. The shape tackled him easily to the ground. Bwir snarled and flailed violently, twisting and squirming, the needles bright in his hands as he tried to flip onto his back to get in just one jab. Just one! But Sarvin's grip was unbreakable as she held him down to the pavement.
Bwir panted with rage and terror, as, twisting his head slightly, he saw her long steel sword blade being positioned for a stab. With all his strength, he kicked out with his boot and smashed it home into Sarvin's stomach. As she loosed her hold on him, Bwir twisted onto his back and stabbed with the longer needle. It sunk into her shoulder, piercing the black tunic. But, instead of falling back, Sarvin surged forwards, grabbing his cloak front and slamming the back of his hooded head into the ground.
With her other hand, she wrenched out the bloodied needle. Her face was terrible to look at. An insane combination of a sneer and a snarl twisted her face and her eyes were brighter than Bwir had ever seen them, filled with anger and hate, blazing and shinning. The ends of her red-gold hair were dripping blood from her shoulder wound and her breaths were ragged and fast.
Bwir brought his second needle up to slash at the arm holding him down, but her free hand dropped the bloody needle she held and grabbed his wrist, twisting it viciously. "Why hello Bwir," Sarvin panted with a snarl. Bwir tried to wrench his hand free, but Sarvin only twisted it until the wrist was just on the point of breaking. "So kind of you to visit me," hissed Sarvin with a smile.
Bwir Wove.
With a savage clash, every single window broke into shards of glass, glittering in the sun like strange insects as they hung, suspended in the air. With a growing hum, they suddenly leapt forwards, like tiny arrows or glittering, frothing, surging droplets of shinning water and began to attack Sarvin viciously. Crimson flashes burst out on Sarvin's face and exploded from slashes in her cloak and breeches.
Sarvin flung out a hand across her face to shield her eyes from the glass as they drove themselves into her body like burrowing worms, and she released Bwir. Sarvin tried to deflect the glass with her sword blade, but there were too many. She could feel them piercing every inch of her skin and desperately, she reached out to the Flows. Air. She tried to Weave a shield of air, a barrier against her and the glass, but once again, her Weave was snapped out of place. Sarvin twisted on the ground, thrashing violently as the needles slashed into her with a ferocity and cruel delight that mirrored their owner.
Bwir staggered to his feet, just a little shakily. The mouth under his hood smiled savagely, as he watched Sarvin flail at his feet. "Why hello Sarvin," laughed Bwir. "Yes, isn't nice that I did visit you?"
Sarvin had her eyes closed tightly but already, all around her eyes were slashes and holes from where the glass had punctured. Her face was a mask of anguish, her mouth streamed blood, and her arms were completely torn. Still, she managed to twist to where Bwir's voice was coming from, raising her bloody head to snarl, "Damn you Bwir! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"
Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac's chuckle rang out. "You couldn't kill a worm Shenkar'ar'demun, much less a Stabnar." The Dark Captain nodded to Bwir, who reluctantly, released the Flows. The glass fell to the bloody ground.
Sarvin opened one shinning eye in a slit of green fire in her crimson face as she spat out blood onto the cobblestones. "Well, well, I'm so glad that the Falcon of the Dark has joined the party." Her frenzied eye shifted to Grinfak. "Oh and the Fox too? You honor me…"
The glass broke with crunches as Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac strode over to her, looking down with a mixture of satisfaction and hate. Sarvin stared back, chuckling despite the blood in her mouth. "A scar on your face Dark Captain? Well, that's new! Is it the latest fashion now Falcon? Would you like me to give you another so that you can be really attractive?"
A gag of air was suddenly shoved in-between her teeth and her arms were bound behind her back with more invisible cords. This time however, there was little amusement in Sarvin's eyes as she opened the other one and glared into the Dark Captain's face.
Grinfak couldn't suppress a shudder. Sarvin's eyes were filled with hate so intense that they seemed glazed with the shininess of it. Grinfak was surprised that the Dark Captain could only stare calmly back. Even Bwir hesitated in choosing a needle and was string at Sarvin thoughtfully. Grinfak's shudder intensified as she touched the heavy scars that now criss-crossed her face. One day…One day she'd get Bwir back for what he did to her!
Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac however, only smiled slightly in response to Sarvin's glare and Sarvin's' mind whirled. She needed a distraction. Something that would surprise them, something that would allow her Weave before they could unravel it…but what would serve that purpose? The cold thing right under her leg provided a sudden answer and it was all Sarvin could do not to smile. Not laughing even with the gag seemed the hardest thing to do.
Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac turned to Bwir. "Find the others and assemble them here. There are to be no mistakes!" Sarvin shook with silent mirth. No mistakes indeed!
Bwir's hand slid the needle he had been drawing back into his belt and he hesitated only a moment before bowing and leaving. "And you!" hissed Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac to Grinfak. "Keep her Flows unraveled!" Grinfak nodded.
Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac began to lean down and Sarvin blanked her face of the sudden smile that had darted across it before she could have stopped it. She contented herself instead, with struggling against the bonds that had her arms tied at wrists and elbows. Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac smiled, the scar tugging at his face, and reached out a hand that he traced down a long gash on the side of Sarvin's face. Suddenly the cut burned as if a hot flame danced along her skin and Sarvin's face twisted in pain, but she moved.
With a powerful surge, she brought one boot down onto the pommel of her sword that she had fallen down onto and that was right under her leg. The weapon was jolted upwards and it managed to pierce the Dark Captain's leg. No sooner had she stamped down on it, then Sarvin began to Weave, lashing out with her boots as well and catching Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac full in the chest.
Grinfak was caught off guard. Before she could do anything, Sarvin had slammed her Weave home and had risen, her bonds severed and her gag gone. Grinfak leapt to re-gain control, but Sarvin Wove again, blasting the Stabnar back into a house with a distinct thud. Grinfak hit the door and fell, twitching but still trying feebly to rise.
Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac threw himself at Sarvin's legs with an inhuman snarl and they both fell, hitting the ground roughly. Sarvin twisted and writhed like a snake, kicking out powerfully and laughing her head off, her face a mass of blood. The Dark Captain tried to hold onto her, his eyes glinting with desperation, but Sarvin thrashed out of his grasp, wrenching her sword free from his leg in the process and she Wove again.
The lock of the gate burst open with a clash and the gate swung open. Sarvin rose and darted for the exit in a streak of black and crimson, her cloak whipping behind her. Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac yelled in frustration and leapt after her, drawing his sword as he skidded on the glass. "Zenrith Shenkar'ar'deumn! Zenrith al cristom! Shenkar'ar'demun!" The last cry turned into a howl as Sarvin slammed the gate behind her with a crash and Wove the Flows into an intricate lock. Al'Sheen'al'Tamorac pounded the gate, slamming his body against it and slashing with his sword, his howls slicing the silence into shreds, as tears of rage and fear streamed down his face. He howled out curses in Dama'zark's' tongue and called Sarvin's name, fear and anger constricting his throat. "Shenkar'ar'demun! Morik ye Shenkar! MORIK YE! SHENKAR'AR'DEMUN!"

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Subject Author Date
YAY!!! Sarvin didn't die! I really like it! keep up the good work! (NT)Swordslash20:36:36 04/03/04 Sat
Go Sarvin! I love your story, Sekin! ^_^ Can't wait for the next part! (Sorry I was gone for so long but my internet connection vanished for almost a week and I was busy with easter and everything....) (NT)Kioko Maemi Mitsu17:56:45 04/16/04 Fri

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