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Subject: Holocaust Painting

Pearl Waterlily Streamsong, Ottermaid of the Western Shores
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Date Posted: 00:39:28 04/30/04 Fri

Hello all those I know or don't know! Anywhoo, I had to look at a picture called "Holocaust Painting" in English, then write poem about it... It's kinda creepy, but not NEAR as creepy as the picture itself... **Shudder**
"Holocaust Painting"

Our certain, fateful death is coming
The smell of blood upon the air
The morbid knowledge of it all
That brings me to my last despair

There’s no escaping, no more living
Sentenced to a death-like Hell
That scent of rotting, festering corpses
I wait to be one at the bell

Filing past to fill the mass graves
Some buried living, some long dead
But all were outcasts, victims, guiltless
I think of them with growing dread

Are these to be my only thoughts
Before a bullet claims my heart
Or choking gases fill my lungs
And from the rest I do depart

Not the child! But they won’t listen
Then daughter half-dead anyway
Then mother, boy, ghosts take them all
I’m left standing lonely on my last day

In my last hour, last minute, second
Grim-faced, stony Nazi guards
I see the aim, I hear the shot-
All left of me is lifeless shards

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*Shivers violently* WOAH! The painting is EVIL! Dude, you can find it at: http://cte.jhu.edu/techacademy/web/2000/baczkowski/imageid.htm......... *Shivers* (NT)Oakrim01:43:43 05/11/04 Tue
if you think that painting was disturbing...(inside)Wasi20:55:15 06/16/04 Wed

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