Ulilliaka Swifteye
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Date Posted: 21:20:40 05/31/04 Mon
In reply to:
Ulilliaka Swifteye
's message, "Ulli's first fanfic! I think... =D" on 21:09:52 05/31/04 Mon
Rygu: RIE-joo (as in rye bread)
Kuhga: KOO-gah (as in kugar with no r)
Gahlchot: GALL-chot (gall as in hall)
Head Captain Ryju Coalwhip stood at the prow of his monsterous ship, the Gahlchot. The scarlet hues of the morning sun were just peaking over the vast, blue horizon. They bounced playfully off the waters allong the Gahlchot. Ryju's ship was a fierce looking ship. It was a venomous shade of green, a huge black coil painted on the sails. It had a figurehead of a terrifying, jet black adder, rubies emedded into the head for eyes, its jaws gaping open. All the ships in Ryju Coalwhip's fleet had the same coil painted onto their sails, just they all were about a third of the collosal Gahlchot's size, and not nearly as decorated. Rygu was a pine marten, and an odd one. He had eyes like the lush grass in a meadow, but they were cold and sly. His fur was the purest shade of black, and his tail was so long and powerful, some say it was just like a whip, hence his name. He was the most cunning pirate for miles and miles in the wide, wide sea. They say he could outsmart the smartest fox, and steal all his treasure without him noticing, too. His crew loved him, though. He wasn't as cruel as most captains, but he was severly strict and was treated like royalty. The one thing most remebered him by, though, wasn't his craftiness, or his deadly tail, but his legs and their lightning speed force. He could run faster then the fastest hare, and for a long time, too. His legs helped him swim, too. He wore a red cloak with a golden fringe, and an emerald tunic.
Ryju Coalwhip was the father of a clever, speedy son. He constantly trained him in battle and speed, but allways too harsh. He'd train his son all day, but he only wanted the best. Kuhga Coalwhip was his name. He had the same tail and colors as his father. He wore a red cloak like his father but also a long, swirling, mid-night blue tunic. He was becoming more and more fast as his father trained him. But the only thing different about him was Kuhga's eyes. They were a stormy grey, and seemed to reflect the evil brewing in his head at far too young of an age. He would take his father's battering in silence, and do exactly what he was told. Little did anyone know of his evil plans for the future. They all believed that this deadly young 'un was as evil as all of them, but they were wrong!
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