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Subject: Chapter Two, A Morning Unforgotten

Ulilliaka Swifteye
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Date Posted: 21:30:51 05/31/04 Mon
In reply to: Ulilliaka Swifteye 's message, "Ulli's first fanfic! I think... =D" on 21:09:52 05/31/04 Mon

Rygu: RIE-joo (as in rye bread)
Kuhga: KOO-gah (as in kugar with no r)
Gahlchot: GALL-chot (gall as in hall)
Chetyk Askasprik: cheh-TEEK (as in peak) AZ-kah-sprik
Dyda: DIE-duh

Chapter 2, A Morning Unforgotten~

Ryju was up early. Excitement coarsed through his body as he watched the strip of land seperating the silver waters from the rising sun looming nearer. The blasting cold winds sped the boat across the waves, even though the sail wasn't fully unravled. He galloped down the stairs and whacked a nearby rat on the head.
"Flacho, navigate this ship towards those tents! Drop anchor at the coast!" he ordered hastilly.
The rat obliged slowly, but Raju kept running around, rousing the crew.
"Pogguf, Zetchuk, Hafflit, all o' ye, get up!!" he screamed into a cabin, "We got a village to plunder, mates!"
Half-sleeping vermin of all sorts wandered out onto the deck, fully armed. Ryju signalled to his fleet with is flag that they were soon going to attack. Soon, the decks of the five ships were brimming with vermin, armed to the teeth. Kuhga wandered to the prow, his scimitar in paw, unnoticed by anybeast. He had never been in a battle before. He could start to see the otters' sleeping faces in a tent with the flap for a door was flapping open. He stared at them emotionlessly, knowing he must kill them, or capture them for slaves. Suddenly his eyes flashed with a feeling he'd never felt before. He had a mad urge to slaughter and tortcher every one of them. He suddenly found himself waving his sword and screaming like a madbeast with the others.
Dyda was awakened with a start at the sound of a blood curtling scream. His eyes darted around the tent. He could see shadows moving around outside, making allot of noise, and the otters in his tent starting to wake. He instinctually grabbed his staff. He was about to get up, when the horrifying face of a female stoat poked through the doorflap. She smiled wickedly.
"Yarr, ye sleepy 'eads. Wakey wakey now!" She charged in, a cutlass in paw, slashing about. Blood splattered on the torn tent walls, followed by shrieks of terror.
Swinging his staff as hard as he could, the young otter crushed the stoats skull immediatly. She crumpled slowly to the ground. Frozen with shock, he stared at the gruesome scene before him. All the otters in his tent were either slain or mortally wounded. Suddenly he realized the gaping wound in his stomach, blood pooring down his fur. Still in shock, he burst out of the tent, rage slowly overpowering him as he persued the pirates. He swung his staff at a fox, nearly crushing him in two. Dyda swung around to look for more enemies when suddenly he saw something that would scar him for life. A weasel and a searat advanced on his best friend, Yudd. He battled the weasel bravely, but he didn't see the fox behind him. Catching him in a headlock, the fox slipped a dagger neatly into his ribs. They both laughed cruelly as they watched the otter sink slowly to the sandy ground. Stunned with horror, Dyda let his staff fall to his side. Tears ran down his cheeks, when suddenly a rope looped around his neck. Whipping around, he saw a ferret on the other end of the rope, and suddenly was knocked into a haze of blackness when the ferret whacked him on he head with an axehandle.
Chetyk was singing a marching song as they advanced westward towards the sea, making up the lyrics as she went. The mole patting on a small drum under his arm.
Oh, we're marching to the sea-e-ee,
With hopes of staying free-e-ee,
Of the freezin' winds and rai-a-ain.
The cold can be such a pai-a-ain,
'Specially when it's near winter!

Hope the shore ain't much farther,
Seems this walk ain't a bother,
But if you had to walk as much as us,
You'd soon be making a great big fuss!

Oh, we're marching to the sea-e-ee,
With hopes of staying free-e-ee,
Of the freezin' winds and rai-a-ain.
The cold can be such a pai-a-ain,
'Specially when it's near winter!

Together, East we march,
Brave as Badgers, stiff as starch.
We march in search of the water,
We'll find the sea, we just gotter!

Oh, we're marching to the sea-e-ee,
With hopes of staying free-e-ee,
Of the freezin' winds and rai-a-ain.
The cold can be such a pai-a-ain,
'Specially when it's near winter!

Chetyk patted her old mole friend on the back happily as they marched on, "How far's the sea from here, Gubbunk?"
The mole wrinkled his snout, and nodded knowingly. "Burr, just 'yond thoin piney-trees, Ho, aye!" Chetyk grinned rather mischieviously and broke into a run, leaving the poor mole racing after her with a pitiful pace. The snowy white squirrel climbed the nearest pine with ease. "Aha! Yeheehe! I c'n see the coast!" She leaped down and grabbed Gubbunk's paw, tearing off into the cool night air.

Gubbunk was bent over, breathing raggedly as the salty waters washed over his large claws. His squirrelmaid companion was starting a fire nearby. The golden hues of the morning sun began peeking over the horizon. Delicious aromas aroma's drifted over from the blazing fire, a huge smoke stack emiting from it. They were as noticable from a distance as a squirrel in a pack of stoats. Suddenly, the mole with his keen eyes spotted a billowing shape emerging quickly over the horizon. As the shapes became clearer, he noticed that they were huge sails, a famillier black coil painted on them.
"Hurr!! Put out thoin foire!!" Gubbunk hissed hastelly as he shovelled sand onto the embers.
"What in Hellgates has gotten into you?" Chetyk leaped up. She saw the fearful look in her friend's eyes and then saw it. A huge ship, the biggest she'd ever seen, painted a toxic shade of green and followed by a fleat of four or five slightly smaller ships was looming up on them. They were being rowed by scores of poor, starved looking beasts, mostly otters.
"Aharr, mates. What d'ye say we take a couple more slaves wid us? The more the merrier! Yarrharrharrharr!" Ryju stood at the prow of the ship, a wicked grin on his face. He twirled a rusty chain in his paw. "Steer 'er to the shore!"
The ships dropped anchor and the marten swam to shore, like a fish he was so fast. He charged at the stunned travellers when an ear splitting shout emitted from the slaves.
"Run! Carrier of the Aggoz! Warn the badger! He needs you!" Dyda screamed at the top of his lungs, recalling his dream. The Aggoz was the ancient spear Chetyk carried. A searat buffetted the screaming otter on the head with his axe handle. Dyda sank to the deck of the ship, completely unaware of what he was just doing.

Gubbunk peppered Raju with clawfulls of the powdery sand, blinding him. Taking Chetyk's paw they scampered to the shelter of the pines.
Dyda sat in the slave quarters, a kind, fat old haremaid mopping his brow with a soggy rag. He stirred and opened his eyes slowly. "Hmmm, feels good. Thanky, marm," He looked over to the haremaid and she just smiled and pulled an old blanket over him. "You be gettin' some jolly rest, wot! Pretty beat up, I say, sah, wotwot?"
His eyes started to droop shut, when he asked, "The travellers, they okay, mate?" The hare put her paw on his lips and he slowly drifted into a peaceful slumber.

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Hey hey, lookin' good so far, mate! Outside a few spellin' errors, I'd say your tale is shapin' up to be a good one! (NT)Dakkan21:14:11 06/02/04 Wed

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