Your ex-Fort Storyteller
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Date Posted: 01:39:27 06/07/04 Mon
Tum ta da! 'Tis me, the lovable Jessie Oakshade, come to fulfill the promise she made on LPF's OOC board! Yes, folks, to repost IRHL again, better known as "If Rose had Lived".
Most of you have probably heard of it, if not read it, and that was quite a while ago. Actually, the first chapters to IRHL were written just a bit over two years ago! So, you can imagine when I opened the document and winced and couldn't stand looking at it anymore.
Whenever I re-posted IRHL, I did it in blocks of chapters, but since I'm revising (COMPLETELY revising, in some cases, as in just deleting the entire chapter and re-writing it from scratch because it was atrocious) I'm posting one chapter at a time. But you shouldn't have a reason to complain, because it's definitely better written than last time. Even the title of the chapters are different.
Mind you, this could turn out to be a disaster. I haven't actually read my story for several months, and I've, uh, only read up to the first chapter, which I've just re-written. I'm a bit scared to read beyond that, actually. I'll manage. *nods reassuringly*
Summary(for those who are curious): Hated the ending to Martin the Warrior? Chin up, my friend, and have no fear. Rose is alive and well, and as far as I know, this story will have a happy ending. Tsarmina's power grows in Mossflower, and when no hero comes, an envoy is sent, and lands in Noonvale. Martin and Noonvalers must help the Corim defeat the enemy! Meanwhile, the child of Martin and Rose is on an adventure of their own, with the children of other characters from MtW, like Rowanoak, Ballaw, Grumm, and Pallum! Don't miss it! Includes characters from Martin the Warrior, Mossflower, Legend of Luke, and possibly Outcast of Redwall!
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