Ripple(or Splash)
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Date Posted: 23:14:44 09/10/04 Fri
In reply to:
's message, "Chapter 3" on 19:04:17 08/31/04 Tue
The old crow did not know he was being watched by two evil eyes as he hopped along, unable to fly because of a broken wing. Suddenly Chrassneyah struck! The old crow didn't even know what happened. After tasting a bite of the thin bitter bird, Chrassneyah spat it out, "Disssssssgusssssting! Where issssssss the proper food?"
Chrassneyah was getting nearer!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Revin began to pelt Aubbress with questions, "Did she say how to get there? Did you ever ask what 'Water falls, without a sound' means? How long would it take to get to the place?"
Aubbress held up her paws for silence, "Please! I will answer your questions one at a time. She gave me a scroll with a rhyme on it, and said that the rhyme was actually a written map, in the form of a rhyme. Yes, I asked what 'Water falls, without a sound' meant, but she simply said that it was for me to find out. Now to the last question, I'm afraid the answer is that I have no idea how long it would take to get there."
The Abbot leapt up from his chair with speed that had left him long seasons back, "Well, let's take a look at that scroll!"
Aubbress took it out of the bag of keepsakes that she always carried with her, "Ah, here it is!" Laying it flat on the table, she read aloud:
"To you who seek, the Place o' no return,
Seek first the darkest path,
Then sweet incense, you must burn,
To appease the great ones wrath.
Follow the path, 'til you come to a river,
Beware the flowers there; they'll make your tummy ache,
Then they will make you turn pale, and shiver
Before finally your life, they will take.
Sail along 'til the river ends,
And you shall see, what you shall see,
And when you do, you shall stare in awe,
Oh yes you shall, my friends!"
Aubbress rolled the scroll back up, and sighed, "I wish I knew where to start in unscrambling it, but I don't."
Revin nodded, and was about to reply, when he was interrupted by the lunch bell. Several of the creatures gathered together were getting hungry, and the plump shrew-wife spoke for everyone, "Oooh, I'm starvin'!!"
Abbot Jerl whispered to Revin, "We had better let everybody go to lunch, they can't concentrate on the poem if they're stomachs are growling. I was getting a bit hungry myself!" Aubbress allowed herself a small giggle, and The Abbot turned to her with a serious expression on his face, "I heard that!"
Revin stifled a smile, as he watched Aubbress quickly wipe the grin off her face, "Sorry, Father Abbot, I won't do it again."
The serious faced Abbot replied, "I certainly hope not!"
Then as soon as his back was turned, Aubbress broke into fits of silent laughter. Revin could hold it in no longer, so he joined her. Holding his sides, he managed to point after the Abbot, who was trying to look dignified. Aubbress laughed until tears came; Abbot Jerl had his habit on backwards!
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