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Subject: ....I don't know if better sports would cause a surge in contributions, but it might help turn around a bad situation. FU's recent appeal mentions how alumni giving is much better at ND, BC, and GT. Is it just a coincidence that those schools were EMPHASIZING athletics during the same years we were DE-EMPHASIZING them? Is it a coincidence that their applicant pools and academic selectivity went up dramatically during those years, while ours barely crept forward? The issue here isn't "threatening" anyone, but showing them important opportunities that we shouldn't overlook.

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Date Posted: 20:53:41 05/07/05 Sat
In reply to: DamnRam 's message, "What rumors are you hearing? What makes you think such a move is imminent? If Fr. McShane does decide to act I personally think he would give Frank the chance to retire honorably instead of getting bounced out. The unfortunate reality is that alumni support is not so high that threats of "loss of support" would tend to ring rather hollow. If we were ND (approx 50% giving rate) with huge alumni dollars at stake it would be a different story. I hope there is a change but it doesn't need to be messy or humiliating, especially if we're hoping to attract quality replacements." on 15:51:32 05/06/05 Fri

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Its a morale issue and an identity issue. What kind of a message is Fordham sending to its students, its alums, its peers when it is complacent with the worst AD inc ountry? Losing in every sport every year? We deserve better than Frank, plain and simple. (NT)Liberty Ram11:01:03 05/08/05 Sun

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