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Subject: allen

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Date Posted: 16:07:16 03/01/02 Fri
In reply to: Allen Gamble 's message, "Re: i am so sad" on 01:06:53 03/01/02 Fri

Yeah the scene is what you make it, and what everyone else makes it. I threw parties. And I couldnt pick who came. You cant pick what goes on at them. So the scene got progressivly worse as months went by. And as far as us being thankful for the time we had that is supposed ot be a *peak* of raving in detroit; I have to disagree. I remember a party back in 96 that had heater heart, adam x, kevin saunderson for $5. That was the peak. When u didnt have to pay $2000 for a venue, $1000 for flyers, and all the j's didnt demand tons of cash for playin. But that was b4 most ppl was around.

Anyway, the point of this was that I used a free venue once and threw a party. There were a couple stipulations, but it went well. Very small warehouse. I think I still have the guys number. Plus, I know of an abandoned toys r us factory in the burbs that would be pretty secure. So if you are interested Allen drop me a line. Ill help out ppl as much as i can with throwin parties. Long as it isnt my money. Peace.

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