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Subject: Re: What YPC FOREVER!!!!!

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Date Posted: 14:43:46 05/17/02 Fri
In reply to: Lil Juan 's message, "Re: What YPC FOREVER!!!!!" on 19:13:47 05/16/02 Thu

Mike Akers is a drug addict, he didn't use to be, and once he turned and started stealing that's when we stopped associating with him, and just like you he'll get his ass kicked if I ever see him. I'm not hiding behind anything, theantihullabaloo thing was for entertainment, I didn't use it to attact one person, I did it for fun to piss of all of your little raver friends. I don't even listen to much electronic music, and what I do listen to is definatly not trance so why don't you shut your mouth bitch, you just keep talking out your ass. I'm sorry, I'm about the farthest thing from white trash or a hick that you could come across so where you get that from is beyond me. There's nothing wrong with smoking or drinking either, I just said those were the closest thing to drugs that any of us do. The 1st 3 parties all had over 700 people at them and anyone who was at them would tell you what a good time it was because we weren't pushing drugs at the door to get money to pay the djs like all the other promoters. And to end this, you obviously are one stupid ass mother fucker, half of your sentences make no sense and I get a headache just trying to decifer what the fuck you meant. If you've really got this many issues with us then feel free to email me and we cant set something up to handle them. Until then fuck off you little fairy sissy boy.

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Re: What YPC FOREVER!!!!!Lil-Juan23:44:11 05/20/02 Mon

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