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Date Posted: 13:04:34 03/06/02 Wed
Author: Sky Classic
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Subject: Rears in anger...
In reply to: two mares 's message, "Two mares enter..." on 12:44:09 03/06/02 Wed

..."Your battle is with me let the child go" he demands Vitani struggles to get away from the mare but her grip is to strong "Help!" she cries out Sky lunges at the mare with his daughter but is blocked by the other mare so in turn he comes down hard on her back knocking her to the ground "Let Vitani go" he demands again "Never" the mare on the ground says "She betrayed us as you did now she and you will pay" sky rears again coming down hard once more on the mare on the ground "listen Sarabi I said let her go I asked you twice already now I have to take force" he moves his hoof up over her jugular vein "Let her go or die" The other mare lets go of Vitani and lungs at Sky knocking them both down off the cliff When they land Sky falls to the ground the mare lands lightly without a scratch on her "Wheres your pretty daughter now Sky" she trows her head back and laughs
meanwhile on the cliff...
"No!" Vitani runs to the edge of the cliff looking over seeing her father lying there not moving she sinks down to her knees "no" she cries to herself she leaps up and turns to the other mare "Why do you do this to us leave us alone and go now because my fathers herd will never let you out of her alive" the mares eyes narrow and she lowers her head to Vitani's level "stupid child" she shakes her head "stupid stupid child don't you realize they cannot hurt me" Vitani lunges at the mare "I will not let you do this to us" the mare knocks Vitani off easily Vitani falls unconious

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