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Date Posted: 12:31:27 03/10/02 Sun
Author: Dusty
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Subject: Re: runs
In reply to: The Night Paws (NOT JOKEING!!) 's message, "THIS IS NOT A ADVERTISEMENT!!! IT IS REAL!!" on 09:29:11 03/09/02 Sat

The frightened filly dashes behind a few horses and the lead stallion as wolves try and get her."HELP!",she screams. This terrible fate reminded her of how her mother died, only her mother died because she tried saving her from a dozen pumas. She cries remembering the horrible day that killed so many of her loved ones. Then she spots a wolf eying her so she runs up to a waterfall and goes in because she had seen the mare that had helped,Seniequa, go inside. She sees the mare and says,"You have to go down there and help kill the wolves, its awful! Please, you look like a brave horse that doesn't let anything get by! Please." She whispers. "Can I stay here until the wolves are gone? Please?" The sobbing and frightened filly trembles waiting for an answer.

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