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Date Posted: 09:29:11 03/09/02 Sat
Author: The Night Paws (NOT JOKEING!!)
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*A scarey night* -- The Night Paws, 18:34:58 03/07/02 Thu (ilmtzn82.one-eleven.net/
*at the darkes hour of the night, not a animal makes a sound in the calm valley. The moon is full, and the night is clear. But the russals in the leaves, and a snap of a twig, is all the warning they'll get. Where the horses are all in a small scatterd group, 13 wolves, sneak there way to the horses, hoping to get a late night snack. The leader steps forward and howels to the rest of the wolves, giving them the cue to atack. all of them lerking for to make their move. picking out the weakest, to cute it off, and atack it. Their swift paws pounding the ground, one of them lunges onto a buckskin mare, trying to take her down. A nother after a brown arabian mare, cling on to her tail to drag her. Two other go after a chestnut mare, on for the neck, the other to the back. See ing the big stallion, three take the okay from the leader and go after him, atacking his legs, trying to knock him down to the grond. the rest watching their fellow wolves's backs. Blood dripps onto the grass from some of the horses, on wolfe see a small foal tring to get away, and runns after it. the night is full a panic, as the wolvees atack the herd, but the the leader wolf runns to the top of the cliff, getting away from the fight, no wanting to get hurt, he looks down see what a feast he might have in the morning that his pack will bring him, laughing to himself, he howles to the full moon*

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