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Date Posted: 20:26:43 04/01/05 Fri
Author: Velvet
Subject: No people, let's be smart and bring it off...
In reply to: Alkyri 's message, "whoa there" on 19:04:01 04/01/05 Fri

The green was complaining, and Velvet couldn't particularly see why. He voices a stern protest against her denouncement of blues. Especially when she could have him, the smartest, best blue flit in all of Pern! Of course he's leaving out tiniest, but that she could see for herself and wasn't necessarily a drawback. Flashing around trees as quickly as blinking, Velvet easily begins to catch up to his competition, though he pays it no heed. He's having fun!

Just as he dodged the lightning attacks of the drduges who dared think they could get between him and a meatroll, so now he dodges branches, trunks, and falling leaves as they attempt to get in the way of the ultimate prize, the green. Much better than maybe...five thousand meatrolls put together was Romana, and he tells her so in a pitched, changing croon that echoes through the night. It's quite hard to see the little blue in the darkness, but easy to hear the flare of his wings as he pulses around trees and over branches, excited little trills emitting from him at every other beat of his small wings. Nothing can interrupt the flit's flow now, he's like a small, cheerful little assassin. Swift, unseen, and ready for action.

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