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Date Posted: Wed, April 25 2007, 16:34:46
Author: William Gilcrist, Jr.
Author Host/IP: cable-68-136.sssnet.com /
Subject: Re: Petition for Concurrent Receipt of Military Retired Pay and VA Disability Compensation

When I joined the military we were suppose to be equal. Why now after I served my country for twenty years of my life I am told, I am forgotten for my service. Under the law you must be rated at 50% or higher. Well I was rated at 30% for my kidneys and 10% for my back, and 10% for my ankle. Well in the schools that would be a total of 50% but however under VA it is only 43%. You take 100% and subtract the 30% for 70%. Now take the 70% and take 10% of that for 7%. Add that to 30% and you come up with 37% and subtract the 10% and you get 60%. Now the other 10% of the 60% and you get 6% add that to the 37% and you come up with 43% now round that up or down for 40%. So I have a 40% rating. And even if it were not you must be at 50 % in one area not all three total.
What does this mean to me? I pay my own Disability to myself. What I get in Disability I loose out of my retirement check. The only break is that I do not pay taxes on the 40 % of my disability. Again if one is entitled to it we all should be getting it or no one.
Why am I less disabled than anyone else. If I had not retired I would get the 50% from the VA. However since I am retired I pay myself my own disability. So why is this so unfair for us who served our country? If I had retired from the Post office I would be entitled to both
This law is so unfair and I fell like we are being discriminated because we stayed in for the 20 and defended our country.
I did not have this disability when I joined or I would not have been able to stay in for 20 years to defend the wonderful land of ours.
I pay all the taxes that every other American pays and even pay more. I pay out of my pay check and out of my retirement. I cant get any Federal, State, Or local help because I retired from the military. They tell me I make to much in retirement. Well please let me know what I get for my tax dollars that every American is entitled to. No unemployment, No food stamps or money or medical. I have to pay for my insurance for Tricare Prime. So what benefits do I get? None I pay for them all.

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