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Date Posted: Thu, May 31 2007, 19:55:44
Author: Jeff Northridge
Author Host/IP: adsl-75-45-110-233.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: Well, I'm Just Guessing For The Most Part
In reply to: larry 's message, "Re: MEDIC LARRY WEAVER" on Thu, May 31 2007, 13:22:52

Howdy Larry;

During the period 1968--1969, the 4th Inf. Div. was headquartered at Pleiku in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, but you were probably wounded out in the boonies somewhere else in II Corps. I don't recall our combat medics (91A's) ever issuing triage tags. I was only dusted-off once, but the medics onboard the Medivac didn't do that either (there wasn't enough time to be filling out forms). Triage occured after we got to the 3rd Field Hospital at Dong Tam. I'm guessing that things were similar for you.

You were probably dusted-off to the 71st Evacuation Hospital (Semi-Mobile) at Pleiku where triage would have occured. So, I'm assuming that the "Larry Weaver" that you're looking for was assigned to the 71st Evac. which is quite an assumption and could be false. I checked out those 64 records under Army for "Larry Weaver" on the Military.com website and three of them had medical MOS's:

SP5 Larry A. Weaver, MOS=91B20, State=FL
PFC Larry K. Weaver, MOS=91B10, State=IL
SP4 Lawrence E. Weaver, MOS=91B20, State=IL

but no other information was available not even dates of service. Note: 91B is a "medical NCO" and not a combat medic (91A).

Do you know the date that you were wounded (it should be on your orders for the Purple Heart)? From a date, I can find out if there were any KIAs from your company or battalion on the same day and might be able to get some additional information from that source. If you make a Freedom-of-Information-Act request to the National Archives and Records Administration for some of your company's Morning Reports be sure to include the date that you were wounded because it should include the military map coordinates of where the incident occured and the names of other WIAs and KIAs from your company on that date. It will also record which hospital that you were officially transferred to.

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