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Date Posted: Thu, October 11 2007, 4:39:05
Author: Joe De
Author Host/IP: sherman.state.gov /
Subject: Re: How were you treated by veterans groups after returning from Vietnam??
In reply to: Jeanne Ridgway 's message, "How were you treated by veterans groups after returning from Vietnam??" on Tue, September 04 2007, 10:53:51

My Father encouraged me, forced me, or whatever to join the American Legion or VFW can't remember which now but think it was the VFW. I just wanted to get on with my life and put the memories behind (thought I could). The membership form required me to state whether or not I was a communist I wasn't then and never have been. In fact just the opposite but that was my business. This question brought back the days of tailgunner Joe (McCarthy). Crazy since I had just been to a place where I fought and killed several and had been severly wounded myself. I told them I saw no reason why that mattered since a veteran is a veteran no matter his political leanings. They refused my application. Sometime later I was at the club as my fathers guest. I overheard a WWII veteran talking to a female he was obviously interested in, he asked me if I had served and I told him Viet-nam he was less than impressed and let me know it right off. Earlier that year after being med-evaced to Bethesda a group of us were invited to the Merv Griffin show and later for a week end in Atl City, NJ. The local VFW fed us a banquet prepared by their wives/girlfriends. One of the members apparently did not appreciate the gesture and started a ruckus. It kind of put a damper on things. Don't know about the others but until the Iraqui conflicts never thought much about the welcome home just knew I was glad to make it out alive. Now though I feel as if America is trying to bury her guilt by over the top support of the veterans of those conflicts. Of course that makes me feel like they would just as soon forget us and it seems many have.

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  • Re: How were you treated by veterans groups after returning from Vietnam?? -- Harry Larsen, Thu, October 11 2007, 17:08:20 (75-172-71-133.tukw.qwest.net/
  • Re: How were you treated by veterans groups after returning from Vietnam?? -- Terry Boone, Thu, October 11 2007, 19:22:15 (CPE-75-87-93-124.kc.res.rr.com/

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