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*Watches her proudly.* -- Magic, 12:17:10 07/18/02 Thu
*Then he turns, goes to the pond and returns a moment later with shell gently clasped between his teeth. He lowers it, and she sees that it's full of crystal clear, sparkling water. He lays it gently before her and then lies down next to his beautiful mare.* Drink, sweetie, you need it.
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*Fairy smiles.* -- Fairy+Dream, 16:01:13 07/18/02 Thu
"Thankyou."*She says softly as she sticks her muzzle into the cool water, and slowly drinks it. It completely refeshes her, and she nuzzles Magic, then Dream.*...*Dream stop suckling and looks about. She tries to stand up, but falls down, so she just rolls to her destination - her father.*...*Fairy laughs.*"I don't think I've ever seen a foal roll to get somewhere before!"...*Dream sniffs her father thoroughly, getting used to his smell. She studies everything about him... his height, coat color and eye color. She then lets out a small winnie as if she approves of him, and rolls over to her mom. She then studies her in the same way, and lets out a snort of recognition.*(OOC:I almost forgot about her personality! Personality:Dream is curious, likes to learn, smart, and brave. Description:Dream is blessed with the beauty and gracefullness of an Arabian, with the strength and hardiness of a Quarter-Horse.)
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*He laughs.* No, I haven't either! -- Magic, 09:48:44 07/19/02 Fri
*He nuzzles his mate and filly, then rolls over and grins at his filly from his upside-down position.*
(OOC: That's a PERFECT personality and description!)
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*Fairy laughs and nibbles his underbelly.* -- Fairy+Dream, 16:30:21 07/19/02 Fri
...*Dream giggles.*"Silly Daddy!"*She tries to stand up, her thin legs wobbling underneath her. She falls forward right ontop of Magic, then falls off the other side of him. She laughs a sweet, cute little laugh and tries again. She tries about five times before she succedes. She stands proudly, puffing her chest out.*
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*He jumps up and down.* Oh great, great job, honey!! -- Magic, 11:40:36 07/20/02 Sat
*He grins in a proud and fatherly way down at her and nuzzles her side gently, not wanting to knock her over. A breeze stirs his mane and he raises his head, breathing the cool, fresh-scented air in deeply. He paws the ground lightly and then lowers his flawless dial to nibble the fresh green shoots. He switches his tail contentedly, the gentle air caressing his flanks and carrying the smells of grass, roses and his mate and filly.*
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*She rises also and smiles proudly.* -- Fairy+Dream, 15:29:12 07/20/02 Sat
"Yes! You've done a GREAT job!"*She nibbles lightly at the grass also, breathing in deeply all the wonderful smells.*...*Dream lies back down and rolls under her mother with her mouth wide open. A few drops of milk drip from Fairy's udder and into Dream's awaiting mouth.*
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*Grins at his filly and then cocks a hind leg.* -- Magic, 13:42:55 07/22/02 Mon
*He arches his handsome neck, long black forelock falling over his dark, romantic eyes as he settles in for the night.*
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*She nickers to Dream.* -- Fairy, 17:17:59 07/22/02 Mon
"Time to go to sleep, honey."*She flops down next to Magic and cuddles up to his belly.*...*She nods and yawns.*"Yeah, I'm tired anyway."*She rolls over to her mother and against her udder, taking a few sips before turning. Now she's facing the same direction as Fairy, and is snuggled against her belly.*
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