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Subject: He turns to the young Prince. "I am, I suppose, your... adopted half-brother, and my name is Bob. I was in fact referring to your father, King Osiris."

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Date Posted: 17:22:10 03/21/02 Thu
In reply to: Serapis 's message, "~Looks at the haunt, now very confused~" on 16:56:20 03/21/02 Thu

He then returns his attention to the ghost, nodding seriously as he begins to understand. "But surely that would have been a better strategy had we not already killed him first?" The corner of his mouth twists sardonically as he says this, but quickly returns to its prior austerity. "Yes, Tiberius was a good King. That was precisely the problem- a good King who believed in the present system of two sides. A good King who got in our way. The Lights will be demoralized now. I personally feel the best course of action will be to kill or ideally capture Ramoth, leaving them entirely leaderless and with a hostage. I fear resurrecting Tiberius would only cause uneccesary complications that can easily be avoided."

He flexes his wings out of habit, his gaze touching every figure in the cavern, watching, before it returns to that of Vaspyra. "Careful now, Auntie. Remember we strive not for the cause of the Evils but for the cause of all dragons, as one as in future they shall be. We choose the method of war only because we have no alternative, not because we enjoy it."

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"Don't call me Auntie dear nephew. In any case, we must wait for Isis' wise decision. You, while an excellent prince, are not King, nor Queen for that matter." (NT)Vaspyra17:32:45 03/21/02 Thu
  • ~Snort~ -- Serapis, 20:22:31 03/21/02 Thu

Answers slowlyIsis21:25:38 03/21/02 Thu

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