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Subject: + floats down towards Isis, her necklace in his talons +

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Date Posted: 17:52:39 03/23/02 Sat

+ looks towards the soon to be angered mob of dragons, his legs and tail develop as he lands upon the surface of the cavern + necklace of jewel in hand, the gleaming diamond and dim onyx strands clash against each other making the necklace literally shine with an unnatural aura + blue and silver eyes cast gaze upon the golden dragoness, as raven head shakes upon the sight of scars and wound marks on once golden scales + muscles tense and sprained are noticed, scales chipped, still some blood stains remain to his eyes +
What happen to the strong and beautiful Isis I once knew? Let me help you, m'queen.
+ eyes flash, the necklace upon Halette's neck suddenly glows with illuminance + raven talons decorated with diamond curved nails, places the necklace upon his queen's neck + her body seems to slightly levitate, then a flash blinds all in the room + he does not flinch or move, and waits for the light around her body to fade away into the darkness, allowing the others to witness his spell of evil +
Dark dragons and dragonesses... Your queen.
+ she still lies there and does not move + the necklace around her neck still beats with a light source + yet her body is different...completely different + her scales are no longer their perfected golden sheen, but now pure white, a white of innocence + her claws are an ivory white, her teeth a mixture of pearl and crystalized white + spikes run down her back to her tail, ivory and wickedly curved + talons are large and thin, built like a mage's + neck was a bit longer than usual and more thin, but quite muscular and designed with spiked scales + wings folded out were quite small but extremely muscular, and each bone ends with a hooked diamond spike + body was lean, a bit muscular, and lined with the occasional jutting, spiked scale + tail had one long, almost invisible diamond spike at the end + legs and arms were rather muscular, but nothing compared to her chest and neck, as well as wings + an onyx jewel was at the corner of her left eye, as a diamond jewel was attached to the corner of her right eye + the eyes would be two different colors, like his own bi-colored irises, as soon as she would open them + no battle scars etched her scales, yet wounds to her wings and neck still her slightly intact + Shadow lord looked pleased and humble, and spoke outloud to her +
Isis, Queen of the Darks, enemy of my sister, and soul-reaper.... Awake...
+ the necklace shimmers even more brilliantly than before, as the Shadow lord's magic works +

((Isis knows about this... Attack if you want, but I dont quite know if you would really want to...))

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*Stunned*B&C18:02:13 03/23/02 Sat

StirsIsis23:10:51 03/23/02 Sat

He watches through dangerously half-closed eyes. When he speaks, it is a low growl. "You have made yourself an enemy, Raistlin."Bob09:34:57 03/24/02 Sun

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