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Subject: Re: about his "alleged" comments

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Date Posted: 14:33:36 05/29/02 Wed
In reply to: Chris 's message, "Re: about his "alleged" comments" on 11:08:30 05/28/02 Tue

The JJ trial was actually a civil trial for money damages, and I agree Fieger should stick to what he does best. The other criminal trial he lost was the 11 year old shooter, Nate Abraham, which I was sure would be a slam-dunk for the defense. But, again, Geoff jumped in at the 11th hour with the theory that there was a party going on in back of the party store - not the store itself, but up the street a ways, and one of his thoughts was that someone from the party shot and killed the Green boy. It felt like he was going good, but just like with the Panitz trial, he couldn't leave well enough alone, and instead of it being an accident (the Abraham trial) now it was a different shooter altogether. That jury didn't buy it either.

Back to the Panitz debacle - didn't I hear that Marcus also had tennis shoes exactly like Ralf's and wore the same size, and that he switched shoes with Ralf after the murder and gave him his? Supposedly Ralf wasn't wearing any shoes when he went out the window to escape the police who were coming to evict them from Nancy's house.

Anybody else hear that, or am I having delusions again?

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Re: about his "alleged" commentsElli17:39:15 05/29/02 Wed

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