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Subject: Re: about his "alleged" comments

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Date Posted: 17:39:15 05/29/02 Wed
In reply to: Gina 's message, "Re: about his "alleged" comments" on 14:33:36 05/29/02 Wed

Okay, to the juror. I don't believe that you found Ralf guilty on the evidence. First where is his hitory of violence except in media stories. Did Roberts present police reports of violenc done to Nancy by Ralf? No. Did Robert's present medical records of injuries Nancy sustained in beatings done by Ralf? No. On the morning of July 10th when Nancy stated Ralf chased her with a knife, was there a police report and assult charges filed against Ralf? Again no. But the police were called to the house several times and attempted to talk with Nancy on the phone but she refused. If she was in fear of her life and she knew the police were there with Ralf why didn't she have him arrested? I'll tell you why, she had not thought up the story yet. If Ralf killed Nancy and was wearing the sneakers than why is there not even a microscopic drop of blood on the left shoe? Isn't it rather unlikely that a man as drunk as Ralf was could manage not to get blood on both shoes. And if he stomped on her face with his right shoe as Robert's stated than where is the left shoe print,and why is ther no blood splatter on the left shoe? Also, Ralf would have had to have blood on his clothes based on crime scene pictures. But when I picked him up there was no blood on him. You don't have to accept my word for that. The police tore the inside of my car up looking for trace evidence of Nancy's blood, but there was none. That is because there was no blood on Ralf. Were you aware that Nancy had lied under oath in several previous court appearences before July 24th. This is a matter of public record. Ralf was not wearing his sneakers when he went out the window. I don't know how he got them. I always assumed that Markus gave them to him. I know that you think that you made the right choice, but you are wrong. I cannot help but believe that you were swayed by all the pre-trial publicity. Ralf did not get a fair trial in Sarasota county, but I still believe he can get one someplace else. Remember when a new trial is granted it won't be by a local judge with an ax to grind, and a new trial will be far from Sarasota county. As for Markus, I agree that any smart person who wanted to frame Ralf would have made footprints with both shoes. But that's the point isn't it. Markus isn't very bright to say the least. I will remain married to Ralf, and I still believe he can get afair trial somewhere in this state.

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