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Subject: A few posts

Jill D.
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Date Posted: 08:56:44 06/04/02 Tue

Well, I must say that I respect the ann. juror for stating her opinions outloud and not being afraid of the truth. Jurors are not stupid people. They are able to read between the lines too. I have to agree with this person at least about the heart attack theory. I know Geoffrey was trying to establish reasonable doubt, but come on. Nancy did not die of a heart attack and even if she did the heart attack was caused because she was getting the tar beat out of her. Geoffrey is a good guy. He believes in what he does but I must agree - this guy was guilty and the jury saw that. The evidence was very strong against him. The prosecutor has the burdon of proving their case and they did. Geoffrey could have and I think did establish some reasonable doubt with the Marcus theory but he didn't get the point across or if he did, he clouded it with the expert testimony. I have met Dr. Baden and he is awsome, but even knowing what I know about him, I would not have bought the heart attack story and I think the jurors saw that.

Now, Nathaniel Abraham is a different story. Geoffrey was trying to save this little kid and was trying to get the state to treat him as a child and not an adult. It could have been much worse for Nate if Geoffrey hadn't got involved. There is alot of evidence that did not surface at the trial. The police did not investigate all of the evidence either. The theory about the party really happened and it should have established enough reasonable doubt - but this case was a big deal in Oakland County at the time and I believe the judge was trying to send a message with the sentencing. It could have been more lenient but it wasn't. There are a lot of things that go on behind the scenes that people don't realize - political and other that regular people don't understand or even know about.

It is unfair to criticize the juror and say she/he is anti Fieger. It sounds to me like they just didn't buy the defense and really, I didn't either and I think Geoffrey is great.

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Re: A few postsGina16:29:27 06/04/02 Tue

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