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Subject: Re: A few posts

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Date Posted: 16:29:27 06/04/02 Tue
In reply to: Jill D. 's message, "A few posts" on 08:56:44 06/04/02 Tue

I think anon. juror made it pretty clear she is not anti-Fieger. What troubles me is the notion that jurisprudence in the great state of Florida is SO anti-Fieger that (I'm paraphrasing) Panitz could NEVER be successful in the appelate court and will not be granted a new trial even if there is sufficient reason to do so. I, too, think that Ralf is guilty - and although I am a die-hard fan of Fieger I don't believe this was up to his considerable talents. From her statements after the first post, it seems the jury did give both sides a going over, and really didn't like either attorney's behavior in the court-room.

Also, however, I noted that the judge, in this juror's opinion, was very prejudiced toward the prosecution and I find that disgusting. It feels to me that the chips were stacked against the defense from the get-go and they might as well have phoned in their case because it wasn't going to make any difference in the outcome.

As for the Abraham trial; I watched (and taped) the entire trial. I thought the political aspect of it came through loud and clear to any interested viewer. The problem I had with the "party" was it came too little and too late after Geoff had initially really pushed hard on the "kid playing-with-a-gun-shooting-by-accident", which I found entirely credible. You know we hear all the time about how juries are NEVER supposed to issue a verdict designed to send a message. But, it appears from what you have said, and certainly you were in a position to know, that this is exactly what happened.

I am discouraged because I don't believe the judge in any case was ever supposed to act as a 13th juror. Here's two instances where it appears to me that is what went down.

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