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Subject: Re: The Difference

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Date Posted: 10:42:12 07/08/02 Mon
In reply to: Bob 's message, "Re: The Difference" on 08:43:08 07/08/02 Mon

"Ralf tricked Nan into coming on the show under the guise of reconciling--then they attempted to attack her on the show."

Ralf did all the tricking, in my opinion, not the show. I thought the show was very tame and any questions Springer asked were directed at them to try to understand their strange love triangle. Don't get me wrong, this and other shows like it are not innocent and I'm not defending them, I'm just trying to figure out the angle the lawsuit will go at against Springer.

"There are some other issues that have been brought up--Ralf's immigration status, his criminal background, and probably most damaging--Ringmaster."

Since we are talking about the new lawsuit, how will any of the above support the lawsuit?

What criminal background? I thought there were mentionings of past domestic abuse but no actual charges pressed, but I could have misunderstood or the press been incorrect. Some movie is not going to be used for evidence. I just see a weak case against Springer being responsible for any events that lead to Nancy's untimely demise.

This was Ralf's fault primarily and second Nancy and Eleanor who were all so disfunctional in their relationships with Ralf.

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Re: The Difference.... hmmStan10:49:06 07/08/02 Mon

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