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Subject: Re: The Difference

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Date Posted: 08:43:08 07/08/02 Mon
In reply to: Linda 's message, "The Difference" on 00:03:05 07/07/02 Sun

Actually, it has been stated that not all parties knew why they were there. Ralf tricked Nan into coming on the show under the guise of reconciling--then they attempted to attack her on the show. (Confrontation--isn't that what Springer's show is all about?) The Springer people pushed all of them into a frenzy--wanting everyone to fight--that's what gets the big ratings. But the big fight didn't occur, mostly since Nan walked off the stage. I'm sure they were pretty disappointed in the segment.

There are some other issues that have been brought up--Ralf's immigration status, his criminal background, and probably most damaging--Ringmaster. If you haven't seen this movie--rent it to check it out. It's worth the $3 to be thoroughly disgusted. I can't see how anyone would watch one of these shows after seeing this movie--they care nothing for anyone who comes on the show--and if their life is ruined as a part of the appearance--hopefully it got them big ratings. They are solely looking for the most outrageous, shocking and offensive stuff they can find--and even some of it has been admitted to be made up by the people who have gone on the show.

It is trash TV, no doubt about that....

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Re: The DifferenceStan10:42:12 07/08/02 Mon

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