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Subject: Re: Forum Spies?

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Date Posted: 09:34:46 07/22/02 Mon
In reply to: Linda 's message, "Forum Spies?" on 00:21:17 07/22/02 Mon

The question is how does the Herald KNOW for sure that is Elli posting? They don't, just because there is a name there doesn't mean it really is that person. It would be different if they called Elli (or emailed her IF she left her email addy when posting), and she agreed to answer their questions, and one of their questions were, "Is that you posting on the Panitz forum under Elli?", if her answer was yes they can ask, "So what you posted there, ***siting some examples****, was posted by you?", if she said yes then they could print what was posted. Another way they could 'responsibly' print what was posted is to say "A poster, who portrayed themselves to be Elli, on an Online forum said......." No one really knows for sure who the poster Elli is. Chris can probably say that yes this poster's IP addy is from around where Elli resides (if I understand that correctly) but again that could be anyone.

What if you were having a conversation with someone and you said, "I would never brag that I have an IQ of 65." A reporter nearby heard, "I have an IQ of 65." and the next day there is a quote from you saying that you said you have an IQ of 65.

To take posts from an Online forum and/or partial hearing of a conversation and print them as quotes from a person is NOT responsible journalism. It is something a rag mag like The Enquirer would do. Those kinds of mags we expect it from but a newspaper we should be able to expect something better. They are supposed to report on factual news, not scrounge around all over the place just to have news. I'm not saying that all news reported in a newspaper is factual but they should at least try their best to check out the source and validity of their 'sources'. If there is a shred of doubt that what they are printing is true or from the person they are quoting then don't print it. Easy as that.

I wonder about the reason why the Herald threatens to sue Chris if she posts their news stories. Is it because they know they aren't very accurate most of the time and posting it on the forum will get them more exposure outside of Florida and their irresponsibility will be more known?

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Subject Author Date
Re: Thank you Cindy!!Sue09:46:48 07/22/02 Mon
Re: Forum Spies?Chris12:18:54 07/22/02 Mon
Re: Forum Spies?Linda14:53:16 07/22/02 Mon

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