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Subject: Re: I agree with Gina.

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Date Posted: 17:15:18 07/29/02 Mon
In reply to: Elli 's message, "Re: I agree with Gina." on 13:49:59 07/29/02 Mon

Excuse me Elli the information below from the case background, not to mention Ralf having sex with Nancy, while married to you, to "keep her illushioned" so she'd came on the show, isn't considered dysfunctional? Were you aware that Ralf was going to "illusion" Nancy the day before?

Shortly after, he met Eleanor Isaac in an AOL chatroom. The two, both residents of Bradenton, Fla., arranged to meet, and five months later, on St. Patrick's Day 2000, they were married. It was Eleanor's third marriage, and according to conflicting reports, it was Ralf's third or fourth.

A month after the show's taping, and three months after their marriage, Ralf and Eleanor split up and Ralf reconciled with Nancy. Although still married, he moved with Nancy into a Sarasota house, entering into a lease option for the purchase of the home.

It's not clear who owned the home, but according to court transcripts, Nancy wrote the checks and Ralf contributed by paying some utility bills and doing some work on the house.

Ralf's nephew, Markus Panitz, also moved in. On July 10, 2000, the house had a fourth roommate — Eleanor — after Ralf reconciled with his wife and invited her to live in the house.

From the Stage to the Courtroom

When Eleanor moved in, Nancy moved out, and Eleanor filed stalking charges against her. Campbell filed charges against Ralf and Eleanor. And Ralf's nephew, Markus, also filed charges against Nancy.

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Re: I agree with Gina.Elli10:47:47 07/31/02 Wed

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