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Subject: Re: I agree with Gina.

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Date Posted: 10:47:47 07/31/02 Wed
In reply to: Linda 's message, "Re: I agree with Gina." on 17:15:18 07/29/02 Mon

This is what I've been saying about news reports being biased and inaccurate. I met Ralf in Feb of 99, moved in with him in July of 99, and married him in March of 2000. This is 13 months after I met him not five months. The Campbells are saying that Nancy had never seen the Springer show and had no idea what kind of show it was. That is wrong, her own emails show that she knew full well what the show was like. Her friends in Michigan have confirmed that Nancy watched the show and introduced it to Ralf. Yes the show was despicable, but they are still not responsible for her death. I did not know Ralf was going to wind up sleeping with her. I will not go into details here. If need be that will come out in a trial. I never lived under the same roof with Nancy. Markus did not move in with Ralf and Nancy. Markus came back to Florida in March of 2000 and was living with Ralf and I. Yes Ralf and I split up on June 11, 2000, and yes Nancy did move in with him on June 21st of 2000. Ralf and I reconciled of July 9, 2000. So Nancy and Ralf were not together for very long. It was the first time they had cohabitated since December 26, 1998. I would not call that an off again on again relationship. The relationship was in Nancy's head. I hope this clears some things up.

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