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Subject: Why Shar Will Not Give Up Speaker....

Shar Quan Po
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Date Posted: 17:11:00 01/14/02 Mon

While i understand your views of a european speaker, i will not give it up. for the following reasons.

There are few things that i have that i will not give up volutaryly my mage armor, and speaker. Speaker was given to me by torlyn upon my return to ac to show that i still am part of the origianl 3 that formed clan razzier and still hold that position. that meant to me a hell of alot to me.
Torlyn has asked me 1 time to give it up when the idea of someone else for european speaker surfaced. i thought heavily about it but still said no. there are 2 tools 1 in game and 1 out that allow everyone to keep in contact for a quest. they are message boards and the /tell command. We have functioned for 2 years like that and will contiune to do so with some refining on the quest board thing. i can no more give up speaker then you can ask tor to give up the clan to someone else.

i do wish it possible for multiple speaker but it is like nexus armor only 1 per clan and it is mine.

i play ac approxitmly 16 hours a day . this past month due to holidays and such my daughter was out of school and i spent time with her. now i do have a few prodjects i am looking into that will help clan razzier and am devoting time to that. how ever when things return to normal when asked i will be more than happy to broadcast a quest if needed or body recovery ( as speaker can only do so 3 times in a 24 hour period)...

as for a site to help with time conversion the site at http://www.onlineconversion.com/date_time.htm can help with that

i am sorry if i hurt any feelings with this, it was not meant to. but more less to show you where i stand on this.
and also to the point of if it was stripped from me with out my permission i would leave the clan. so please dont put torlyn in that position.

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Re: Why Shar Will Not Give Up Speaker....Strobe22:23:13 01/14/02 Mon

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