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Subject: Re: am on FF researching a few things as a newbie

Shar Quan Po
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Date Posted: 09:16:53 01/21/02 Mon
In reply to: Gunther 's message, "Re: am on FF researching a few things as a newbie" on 22:24:28 01/20/02 Sun

Actuly Power leveling is NOT needed and is a big time crutch. thats one of the biggest reasons i am researching it. One of the BIGGEST things i hate to heat as a mage is SHAR can you powerlevel me and/ or my friend? and i know alot of other chars hate hearing it as well. Is it possible to raise a char without power leveling? YES it is... ive work on the 3 dif char types and they have hunted alone at level 8 and above on a regular basis. A char thats use to hunting unpowered is a smarter hunter than a char thats been powered. certain skills are learned such as how to take a room out, drawing out critters from a group, and above all being self sufficent. I have no qualms bout helping a new char get set up, giving some armor or cash or twinking a hunter if its needed or buffing pros if ya need to ecover a bod, but i absolutly refuse to power level any more people. Powerleving is also killing alot of enjoyment of the game not just for myself but for others as well. i hate logging on and getting asked for it as well as do other people.

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Re: am on FF researching a few things as a newbieRa Amin Kah22:57:15 01/21/02 Mon

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