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Subject: Re: am on FF researching a few things as a newbie

Ra Amin Kah
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Date Posted: 22:57:15 01/21/02 Mon
In reply to: Shar Quan Po 's message, "Re: am on FF researching a few things as a newbie" on 09:16:53 01/21/02 Mon

same for me, i get asked often for buffs too. iff you need help recover it is somethink different, but donīt ask me iff i gonna stand next to you and hold your hand for some time. that i only do for good friends, realy good friends.
also even iff a charackter starts with 10 endurance he hasnīt got to be powered more than to lvl 10, iff he uses all xp on health and stamina he can kill on his own than.
when those in clan which are around the 70's no started there was noone in clan that was able to power that much (when i joined the razziers torlyn was a tiny lvl 41, and my patron was lvl 20,...), and it was fun to work hard on a banderling. today it is easier to start out, even because of the new fellowship stuff, and there is no need for making lvl 30 in one day, have more patience people. to be powered is fun, but to power someone is damn boring, think about that before you ask someone!!

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