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Subject: Memories...

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Date Posted: 01:10:38 01/27/02 Sun

I remember my very first day in this clan.. I was in Holtburg at the armorer, when i noticed a pretty high level guy next to me (Ra Amin Kah) I asked if he was looking for a vassal.. and he said yeah :) Then offered to level me a bit, which i was surprised at because I havent ever had a patron really take me anywhere freely, i just swore in and got help once in a while (on FF).. But I distinctly remember him telling me 2 rules, which have stuck to me during my entire stay as a Razzier. Dont Steal and Help Others When Needed.
Being in this clan has made the seperation between Asheron's Call being just a game, and being a somewhat "reality". Some people in our clan are overly nice... which I admire and miss. I dont really know whats going on these days...I havent been to the tower for the longest time, havent really talked to anyone in the clan besides Ra, Ragnar and Evil's Blade for as long as I can remember. I used to talk to everyone though, all the time. The tower used to be packed with people, always. That was great... Then my first quest, the focus stone. Thanks for the buffs Shar and Kries :) Then the PK tourny.. that was also good for the clan, I felt as if that was the clan's strongest point, well atleast during my stay ;) Shar came to Nexus and saved the day..hehe...About a month later, I was given the honor of making the site. Thats when i realized nothing has really been happening in the Razzier Clan at all.. So many quest posts, yet no quest. Then Shendolin came along, I think that was definetely a disaster,... heh. Me, Latasha and Killer Drone did one side by ourselves =/ yikes... pretty tough, but we managed to come through. That was great, and honestly my last Razzier memory i can think of, ....well besides the leaving of Rein :(. That definetely sucked, but it also opened a lot of people's eyes...
This clan has been so great, and will never forget it...I'm not sure if im leaving or not, just wanted to post a heart-filled message on the board I guess... Well whatever happens, Tor, Tash and Shar... you are such great people, and whatever happens, i hope to stay in your friends list and you stay in mine :)

p.s. the dildo posts were pretty damn funny :)

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