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Subject: Strong Warning

Evil's Light / Myrdhin Mithryll
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Date Posted: 11:04:13 01/28/02 Mon

Ok, nothing changes. Shar and Tor asked us to post here any problems. Ra posted a long post, I posted a few ones, Ragnar complained here, Strobe' also, Thorgal asked me to do so... and nothing changes. I think it's really time for the Monarch guy to do something, to have a strong move, if he doesn't want the Clan to explose. We had once a few rules in this Clan: no thieves, no beggers, help each other when needed. I can remember the time when quests were running all the time. I can remember the time when Clan didn't have speaker, and didn't need one (nothing against you Shar, but for me to have the speaker is just a function, not a title, and u don't use the function, just the title). Razzier Clan is diing, some of his best members have left because they were unhappy. I've lost all my vassals but Thorgal, because they were unhappy in the Clan (Thorgal is also unhappy, but stay because I stay). Is this Clan builded to be American Only? Why do you allow Thieves and people who talk bad to us to be members of this Clan, this family it used to be? Are you all afraid to fire vassals who don't match with the spirit we should have? No allegiance rank is worth the rules I fixed to myself, first one is honesty.
I'm ashamed to say this, but if you don't do a real strong gest, Torlyn, I will have to leave. Thorgal is my friend in life also, I won't lose him. AC is a game, but it shows the real spirit of people playing it, and I don't like the spirit of alot of people in the Clan. Don't ask for names, they are well known, and I'm not the Monarch guy.
Please act, Torlyn, my brother, or I'll go my way...

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