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Shar Quan Po
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Date Posted: 10:03:22 02/02/02 Sat

Ok Clan Razzier is under going some changes. after talking with torlyn last night i am basicly in charge of this, so if i miss something feel free to get with me. changes at the moment are..

1) ***New Clan site*** clan razzier is going back to www.geocities.com/clan_razzier i will over next couple days be revamping it to reflect new changes

2) ***OLD INACTIVE VASSELS*** ALL vassels who are old
inactive as far as game are to be dropped. We have some out there that has torlyn as a monarch but are NOT part of the clan this comes from vassels who are inactive that have vassels under them who have gone their own way. some left the patron inplace and some of those are thieves so to remove them we are going to drop ALL INACTIVE VASSELS including those that are outside server mules the only people that are to be in razzier are those actively playing
if you want to be in a xp chain go else where..
if your inactive vassel is a friend who left game for a bit and went else where he still gets dropped when he comes back he can rejoin...WE ARE KILLING ALL RENEGADE RAZZIERS
and this is part of how its going to be done.

3) ***YOUR CLAN HEADS*** As of this moment your clan has 1 monarch and 2 asst monarchs your monarch is torlyn razzier and the 2 asst are latasha razzier and myself.
i am looking into setting up a Clan counsel details on that at a later time

4)***CLAN RULES*** well normally it was 2 rules, be coutious to others and no stealing Clan rules will be posted at the clan web site AND WILL BE FOLLOWED OR YOU CAN LEAVE

5) ***QUEST*** On the new web site will be a Quest board ALL QUEST WILL BE POSTED THERE its up to you to read the board and find out whats going on there some quest may be posted as MOTD but all quest are going to be on the board

6) ***NEW HOME*** The Clan will shortly be moveing OUT of holtburg We are looking into getting away from holt and the so called "NOOB" problems it has. we are looking for a secure place for those who do not have a house/ villa ect ect and can safely mule as well as a spot thats well away from the normal populace when we find such a spot escort will be arrganged to help move mules ALL CLAN MUST HAVE 2 MULES at THE NEW CLAN HOME you can have the other 2 else where but 2 mules are REQUIRED to be in new home if you have multiple accounts then you need to have 2 mules from your main account..

Those are some of the changes thats coming WE ARE BRINGING BACK THE WAY the clan was and its going to stay that way if you dont like it you may leave. if you want a XP Chain LEAVE, if you just want RANK LEAVE, If you dont want to follow the new rules and be responsible not only for your self but for your vassels and fellow clan mates LEAVE


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Re: IMPORTANT PLEASE READbump the thread13:38:08 02/02/02 Sat

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