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Subject: UA Template

Brent Ua
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Date Posted: 20:10:49 02/06/02 Wed

UA/Magic Res/Creature
80 10 100 40 90 10
spec: UA, magic res, creature, loyalty
train: healing, item
later: mana conversion, life, melee defense

This template is mainly for pking. Spec UA is nice in later levels because of the extra damage capabilities. Magic resistance offers great protection against all forms of magic if you pump enough xp into it which makes this template shine against mages. with spec Creature magic you can debuff any character so they wont be able to cast anything. If they do pull off a spell it will most likely be resisted. Basically this template is meant to be a killer in pk, which it will definately become.. a lot later in life. You will need to have a kind patron that is willing to buff you until you can hold your own ground at about 40 when your magic starts to get better and you have life magic. That is where loyalty comes in. It will most likely easily get you a patron, and he/she will be rewarded for the hard work of leveling you for ages. You should be casting 7s in creature, and 6s in the other 2 schools by now. You are probably wondering why this character type needs help leveling until 40 right? That is because it takes a while for it to gain life magic, and get it as good as your item magic. Life is by far the most important magic type in the game, and your patron will most likely have it.. and you dont. When you get into the late 80s or 90s and you have melee defense that is when you shall become an unstoppable force. Excellent defense against magic and melee, and able to deal major damage to all who oppose you.

Thats the template.. probably a lot of spelling errors but oh well hehe.

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Re: UA Templatekriesen21:59:02 02/07/02 Thu

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