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Subject: As the Seasons change...Remember How I used to be...

Seasonal Glory
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Date Posted: Saturday, July 05, 01:29:54pm
In reply to: WL 's message, "~swifter than white lightning~" on Saturday, July 05, 09:45:24am

~~No, I remeber only your mother and Foxie Lady. You see, I was here to see this place at its highest point. I was young and confused, and so left, trying to find myself. Once I did I returned, only to find that all, well, almost all that I had loved so dearly was gone. This place is the last thing I have, and I will not let it die too. Will you help me?~~ Her voice retained its own kind tone, she was deeply impressed by his loyalty. She would fight for things of that nature too. She silently comended him for his control. At his age she might not have been able to do such a convincing job of it. Seeing the mare flee, she cocked her head to one side, shooting Resaelis a look of utter confusion, then nodded to WL, ~~I am so very glad.~~

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^upon silent wings^ResaelisSunday, July 06, 07:31:23pm

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