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Subject: ...black as night...

Ashen Twilight
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Date Posted: Saturday, July 26, 05:25:08pm

A pure vision of unspeakable beauty and poweress, Ashen Twilight stood like a ghost merely a haunt in the fluid gust of wind. Mane and tail flowing, steaming like dusky ash blown into a storm, twirling and swirling. Lustrous coat like shawdowy visions in the home of a cunning fox. Sleek and muscular, the swiftness of her movement was foretold by her flanks, bred into her by the lines of her celebrated father. Her face dished in that of the likes of her mother's birthright. She now comfortably tosses her head and rears. Searching the terrain for a familiar face. Rays of the dying sun, but also the fresh beams of the new restless moon rising in the sky, caught the shine of black hoofs as she graciously stepped forward. She then whispered in a fiery feral voice full of confidence, " This the land of dreamspeaker falls, will hopefully be the home of my future unlike the cruel one in my past." Again she stepped, slender legs extending forth and touching lightly to the soil, Passionately treading from one familiar world into a strange untamed one, a new land, and as she hoped, a new home. Wondering if she would be welcomed, she gave a shrill whinny. Trying to forget harsh bits and riders, saddles and ropes, and all of the rest of the things from her past.

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^upon silent wings^ResaelisSaturday, July 26, 07:35:00pm

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