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Subject: As The Seasons Change, Remember how, I used to be...

Seasonal Glory
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Date Posted: Monday, July 07, 07:48:41pm
In reply to: Resaelis 's message, "^upon silent wings^" on Monday, July 07, 11:49:36am

Optics turn to gaze at one who refused to treat her with anything save cold civility, and yet stayed. Why then did he do so? She sighed, t'was not her place to question. Her voice was soft, though her tone was a bit distant, dejected, you could say. ~~I see you have met Raging River, Resaelis. I will leave you two to converse.~~ She turned to go, then, with a last look over her shoulder, she spoke once more~~I wish you would let me gain some trust of yours somehow. I have said it over and I'll say it again, your loyalty impresses me. I just wish something about me would give you similar thoughts. I think, no, know, that anyone who calls you a friend, should be counted as the luckiest equis alive.~~ With that, she turned and left. She needed to think awhile.

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...water droplets rage, rain like stinging arrows...Raging RiverTuesday, July 08, 09:33:21am

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