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Subject: Quiksilver Storm

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Date Posted: Monday, July 28, 07:21:29am
In reply to: Seasonal Glory 's message, "as the seasons change-remember how i used to be" on Sunday, July 27, 01:04:12pm

Daughter of the Seas canters near, slender coal-hued pistons barely grazing the earth as she flies swiftly toward the little group, ebony streams whirling and churning on the lithe crest, exquisitely formed, beautifully dished and tapered head held high, dusky nostrils flaring wide in the small, dusky teacup muzzle, feminine muscles rippling ‘neath the sleek hide, causing dark dapples to move, liquid drops of steel dancing on a lake of molten silver, long raven banner flagging out behind in a midnight silken glory, dark fiery pools holding the stormy spirit of the ocean fixed on the little group. Her movements are light and graceful, fluid, those of an airy sprite; yet the wild, stormy nature of the ocean and her own flying spirit are portrayed in her every move-she is a flash of silver, a breath of sterling wind. She is so very swift, yet for her, this is a slow, easy pace, she has not even touched her true runs. It is a privilege, a gift to see her run, beauty envisioned, solidified. Sliding to a smooth halt, she calls in her clear, silvery tones that dance lightly up and down the scale in the elusive notes of the wild, stormy song of the ocean, ~Greetings, Ashen Twilight. I’m glad you have come.~ She tosses delicately chiseled face, raven rivers rippling and swirling in response, and begins to prance on slim sooty legs, dancing lightly on the soft earth with careless easy grace and precision.

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as the seasons change-remember how i used to beGloryTuesday, July 29, 10:25:27am

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