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Subject: as the seasons change-remember how i used to be

Seasonal Glory
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Date Posted: Friday, August 01, 06:49:48am
In reply to: Lorien 's message, "I amar prestar aen..." on Friday, August 01, 06:45:24am

Hearing the tone of the mare's voice, she nodded. She knew and understood well that tone, and that it meant trouble for her, maybe not now, but surely in the long run. Turning to Resaelis, she saw the turmoil, and then the confusion in the voice of little Lorien. This was nuts!

((That sounds ok, but could we make the response time a lil longer, I have two horses I'm helping get ready for the county fair, in like three weeks, and both are limping, one is mine, and the other one I have been withsince he was 6mo. he has the same B-day as me! lol! please pray for him, he can barely walk and we can't figure out what's wrong.*Player starts crying for her bud*))

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~*~Dreams last for so long, even after you're gone~*~Satan's AngelFriday, August 01, 03:09:04pm

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