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The smaller guard entrance doors slide to a close, cutting off the cunning seep of unbearably hot midday air contaminating the comfortable hall temperature. A sigh escapes slowly from her throat as the woman travels down the hall, the glimpse of a deserted guards lounge diverting her course momentarily. A long fingered hand reaches wearily to the base of her skull as she sinks into a cushioned armchair, fingertips digging into the tense muscle of her neck and shoulder.
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laughing he slips into a chair and awaits Raven.
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- (ooc) -- Badhbh, 14:10:35 08/30/03 Sat
Fyre? Niamh? Hello.... If you are still about, there is quite a bit you can get stirred up in in the Outlands.. (hint, hint, nudge,nudge)
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- (ooc)Fyre?? -- Badhbh, 14:08:35 08/30/03 Sat
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- ~rise~ -- Fyre, 16:57:53 08/03/03 Sun
~settling the handheld in her hands and examining the situation around her bug once more, she noted several things as it crept around the spaceport. One, Raven had departed. Two, a foreign ship had come.
Calling up security camera feed from before, she searched to see if the ship was familiar or had visited Tanari earlier. In fact, it had--it was also the ship in which the scaly mercenary had made his hasty exit~
"This is interesting... He's back? Maybe he's looking for Roue', to finish that albino off... Or get revenge. Who knows? I certainly don't care, just yet."
~but her homemade droid focused on the ship, prepared to alert her if anything moved in the vicinity of the vehicle, and she slipped the handheld in her pocket, saved the data on and shut down the laptop they had been using during the meeting, handed it over to a guard for safekeeping, and stepped out of the room.
Her boots were quiet on the polished floors of the building, even as she strode down the corridors. While she did not look even remotely like the president of the organization, she walked with authority--as she had done before being appointed to such a position. Her look dared those that crossed her paths to give her a hassle, and therefore none did.
Checking with the secretary, she was not eager to note that no one had shown up in response to the summons just yet. In that moment, she decided that she herself would venture forth to examine the damage done by the storm and to see if there were any people present that were not put to good use.
The secretary argued, proposing that she take along a guard for safety or even not go at all. Fyre declined as long as she dared, but then she saw the sense in the secretary's words: what was the point in going out in the Tanari desert without a buddy, in case of quicksand and the like? So she summoned a nearby guard nearly asleep at his post, told the secretary to call for another to temporariy replace him and to inform Kailia, if she asked, as to Fyre's whereabouts.
And last of all, she asked for Kavil to be located, so she would know where he was up to upon her return...
Finally, she pulled a set of hoverbike keys from her pocket and started off for the square, guard in tow... She planned to go only to the square and outlands, for now, knowing there was no one to deal with currently present in the spaceport (besides the foreign ship) due to her droid...~
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- {Departure} -- Raven, 16:40:37 07/29/03 Tue
The conference room door slides smoothly back into place even as the woman exiting is eight strides down the illuminated hallway, long lithe fingers snatching a small radio from her waist as she turns down an abutting corridor. The swift hiss of static, interrupted by crisp commands issues to the guards station.. a search of the square and outlands for unoccupied members of the Alliance. Bursting unhesitatingly out into the crisp cold of the desert night, the figure strides twoard the small huddle of hovercraft, radio replaced at her waist as she mounts and sets her course twoard the spaceport..
(ooc: sorry.. I'm way too impatient for my own good.. Raven is taking off for Venhydra now...)
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- {Bewilderment} -- Raven, 16:37:25 06/30/03 Mon
Slender calloused palms press briefly upon the slick table top as she rises quickly from her cushioned chair, attention turning to Niamh for her mutual assent. Yet her slitted feline gaze checks it's rapid shift across the room, cool green eyes doubling back and widening as they settle upon the small timid figure abruptly standing before her. Her brows flicker briefly skyward as the words burst hurridly at her, taking a moment to shift out of her suprised state of immobility and nodding politely in response to the strained call of 'Miss Raven'.
Fingernails ticking easily though absently upon her holster, her brow rises somewhat, expression mildly questioning.
"Whoa.. slow down for a second. Who's gone?"
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- {Plans} -- Raven, 15:24:36 05/26/03 Mon
Raven shifts in the cushioned enclosure of her chair, metal riveted holster clicking quietly against the stiff plasticized armrest as she returns her attention to the two other women ticking easily upon their monitors. Level gaze pauses briefly on each monitor before settling on the musing face of the president.
"So. We should be getting intelligence from this bug.. Are there any plans for offensive political or military moves twoard the Federation? They have been quiet recently..I assume they have had or do have a spy implanted on our planet but do believe it is time we do something. The officers and new recruits are rather anxious for some action.. obviously from Roue' s little demonstration.. and whether it is in action twoards the Feds or some sort of outside exercise.. I think something to get their energy to use is in order. That is if Roue' does not do it for us.. I believe he is off to harass the bounty hunter in some way or another... I think we'll be lucky if the Feds do not take it as an official affront."
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- access -- Niamh, 15:18:03 05/17/03 Sat
Seeing that their 'meeting' was finished, she pulled out the thin, palm sized piece of metal, by placing her fingers on certain spots and applying light pressure, the metal piece open into a keyboard, projecting a holographic screen above itself. Quickly accessing their bug, she has it drop from the vehicle, then catch a ride on a mechanic's pantleg as he walks into the Venhydran hall. The bug detaches as soon as it is inside, floating around the room until it finds a concealed place that people would not find without a great deal of effort. The bug shuts down anything not necessary, and just sits, waiting.
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- ¤entrance by Yungutac¤ -- Yungutac, 16:35:04 05/16/03 Fri
He walks in, looking for somebody to ask the many questions him, Juli, and Chrome had back in colony square.
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- .Walks in. -- Julina StormHunter, 21:12:25 04/30/03 Wed
She walks in, brushing a stray strand of black hair behind her ear, "I'd like to speak to anyone in charge of recruiting," she says, to anyone in earshot.
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- ¤old friend's back¤ -- Xixini Melee, 12:00:07 04/30/03 Wed
now 24 years old, Xixini steps in
"wow, place sure has changed"
OOC:it feels like I haven't been here in ages and it's only been a year
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- {Return} -- Raven, 15:17:37 04/23/03 Wed
The quiet 'swoosh' of the metallic meeting room doors preludes Raven's return, the quick tap of bootsoles cutting off abruptly as she steps into the carpeted room. Verdant gaze flickers briefly over the absent seat of Kival as she takes her own, waiting silently for the two to finish their discussion..
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- {Continue} -- Raven, 14:25:11 02/22/03 Sat
A silent puff of air escapes her lungs as the impatience of the situation makes itself known in the form of a spreading cramp between her shoulder blades. Shifting somewhat in her chair, she moves her slitted gaze bluntly to Fyre, breaking the set silence without preamble.
"I suggest you find out exactly Kival's situation is, then, if you trust him, we can use his situation and skills to the best advantage. As far as the Venhydran situation, another ship has joined the first, and we are still unaware of their origin, although it seems firing has decreased. Otherwise the Federation appears fairly inactive, our bugs from a previous mission have been found...so our intel is limited at the moment. We do not exactly have the number to launch an attack of any kind at the moment, but neither have they."
She pauses, gaze flickering briefly across the table to Roue'.
"Speaking of missions.. I believe Roue' is in need of an assignment of some kind..I would suggest one that remains on planet for the moment... Perhaps a turn guarding the Fed prisoner, I believe the guards are spread thin at the moment and a 'friendly' approach to interviewing may do some good. So far the boy has only seen women, he may be more at ease with another man.."
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- {Conference} -- Raven, 16:00:12 12/14/02 Sat
The dark, forgiving surface of the meeting room carpet muffles her footsteps, providing an appreciated respite from the hard, unrelenting tile of the hallway. Roue' was no where to be seen, judging from a last covert glance over her shoulder before entering the oval room...just as well really. She sinks into one of the awaiting chairs with a stifled yawn, one hand rising absentmindedly to loose her hair from it's braided confines, the other ticking the projected computor screen into life. Scalp relieved somewhat from it's tension, verdant cat-like eyes flicker over the roster of employees... those that would be summoned to this particular conference.
Slitted gaze flickers over the abominably small list. Fyre, Niamh and herself were the only reliably present. Roue' was listed tenatively at the bottom of that list, though it was questionable whether he would need to be moved over a column into the list of absentees. Brows knit briefly together as she scans the list, clearing the computor image abruptly with an sharp tap of her finger.
Kelp-green eyes flicker shut as she combs impatiently through her hair with her fingers, rebraiding it thoughtlessly into a somewhat less wispy confinement.
Well.. those that were expected at the meeting already knew about it.. the computor was ready for Fyre's use.. Leaning back in the chair, she relaxes nominally, one eye on the door, planning to take what moments of taskless solitude she had for a brief rest..
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- >Greet< -- Kival, 15:16:18 12/07/02 Sat
Standing patiently beside Niamh in front of the office door, he glances up sharply as the door slides suddenly open, startled out of his musings by the abrupt movement. His dark brows rise as his gaze travels over Niamh's shoulder, only to land on a familiar face. Of the possiblities he had been anticipating, familiarity was not one of them, and yet the bright blaze of firey hair was unmistakable. His mouth quirks wryly as he ducks his head in a respectable, if amused, nod.
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- | Stumbles | -- Roue', 08:01:59 11/29/02 Fri
Wandering aimlessly across the hall, optics scan for Raven, pinions drift 'cross automatically
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- >Emerge< -- Kival, 13:49:08 11/11/02 Mon
Emerging abruptly from the eerily blue tunnel, the man pauses, blinking as his eyes adjust to the comparitive brightness of the hall lobby. The woman had already dissapeared, probably off to duties of her own, and after a moment, he moves over to the group of people obviously waiting out the storm. He pauses to order a warm drink from one of the food stations, gaze shifting to the others, both in the lobby and crowded into a smaller room to the side. Most seemed fairly relaxed, taking the unexpected opportunity to relax from their regular duties and take advantage of the food station. Only a few were obviously troubled, perhaps worrying about a companion or family member who had not yet been accounted for, sitting silently amongst the chatter and clutching untouched mugs of steaming liquid.
Kival sighs lightly, running a hand through his hair as he considers tactics to gaining a job position. Leaning thoughtfully against the wall, he sips upon his drink, absently observing the comings and goings about the Hall.
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- ~arrival~ -- Fyre, 18:38:33 11/10/02 Sun
~drifting through the tunnel prepared by the engineers, strides becoming increasingly larger as she nears the hall, and soon she was inside once again. Back to the hall. Stepping across the lobby, she gave a glance to the trailing man and drifted off down the corridors, seeking Raven, guessing her to be on the 'quest' for information that she herself had asked her comrade to find...~
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- {Ordered Inquiries} -- Raven, 14:31:39 11/10/02 Sun
The door of the communications room slides smoothly open once again, allowing Raven to step somewhat stiffly from the metal framed doorway into the brightly lit hall. She turns shortly to initiate the signal lock and to wait for the usual buzz of a successfuly secure room. A slow sigh escapes her as she sets off down the hallway, a long-fingered hand rising to massage her aching neck muscles, the current cause of her seemingly ever-present tension headache. She halts briefly to pick up a small data pad from a stack shelved against the wall, allowing her thoughts to float wistfully into the realm of fantastic improbabilities as her feet carry her automatically in the direction of Security. Of course, and as always, the imaginative, though strategically relaxing interlude lasts only until she is before the desired and closed hallway; snapping back into herself as she presents her ID and slips past the guard and down the corridor.....
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- ¦€¦ Rouge ¦€¦ -- Roue', 05:45:42 10/19/02 Sat
Lithe form twists back unto t'hall, indents flick'r round searching for Amalthia...
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- {Open} -- Raven, 16:01:21 10/07/02 Mon
The smooth metal door shines brightly, reflecting the light of the hallway and the two figures, imperfectly, contorting the men's features as it slides silently and abruptly open. The slim, smoothly athletic woman steps briefly forward, waiting for the entrance to shut and lock behind before turning her slitted verdant gaze directly at the familiar albino beside her.
Wordlessly, she steps across the hall to the door opposite, allowing it to open into a small, though comfortable meeting room. She turns cooly at the entrance, long fingered hand rising to gesture him expectantly inside..
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- Worry -- Kestral, 00:55:39 09/30/02 Mon
He looks around worriedly looking for Skylark
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- entrance -- Amalthia, 21:28:14 09/29/02 Sun
She enters the door, glad when it shuts behind her. That was a fierce storm out there, even for her. She looks back to the door, waiting for her friend to come through. As she waits she glances around, taking in all her surroundings, eyes automatically searching for the best cover before reminding herself that this place, this planet was home now. A look of saddness passes over her features before she quickly covers it with a look of bordom as one who merly waits out the storm in safety.
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- (ooc:) -- Badhbh, 14:45:57 09/26/02 Thu
(I'll just post this here, scince this is where I suspect you all check most frequently. There is a message in the Lair if any of you would care to wake up from your snoozes and contribute. :oP
Hope to here from you..Thanks.)
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- appearance -- Niamh, 18:51:13 09/25/02 Wed
*Walking back into the Hall, dressed in clean clothing, her dark hair in a neat braid, the woman looks around, beginning to systematically check the rooms for Raven*
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- {Contact} -- Raven, 12:39:01 09/21/02 Sat
Ducking through the door of another, unoccupied communications room, she slips into one of the chairs, gaze sweeping the many buttons and switches to the seperate rooms, buildings and ships of the Alliance. Slender fingers brush over the list of buildings, switching open communications to the Infirmiry and placing the communications piece next to her head. A moment of silence and one of the Infirmiry com nurses picks up.
"If the the president contacts you, send her directly to my station, please."
"..the President..??"
"Fyre.. the woman interviewing the prisoner..newly voted president."
"Yes, ma'am"
The communications cuts abruptly, leaving Raven in a brainstorming silence.
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- enter -- Niamh, 16:03:27 09/20/02 Fri
*Hurredly parking the craft outside, she runs the short distance to the building, slowing to a walk once inside. Removing her glasses, she looks down at her clothes, a faint wisp of guilt at the mess chased away by her amusement at being all one color. She heads for the barracks, intending to clean up before checking in with someone*
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- {Dart} -- Raven, 14:05:09 09/15/02 Sun
The small hovercraft motor cuts abruptly, behind the sheltered walls of a three sided equiptment bay, where already most of the light, newly aquired bikes had thoughtfully been placed. Here the wind was not so fierce, but still frighteningly strong as it whistles and roars past the entrance, the occasional finger of wind attempting to claw it's way into the shed. Raven squints through the storm of sand, her eyes, even behind the protection of shades, watering to rid themselves of the painful sand. Trailing her way between the rows of protected vehicles, she steps hurridly through the adjoining door to the hall, her hearing somewhat shocked by the relative silence as the barrier slides shut behind her.
Her eyes blink rapidly, both to rid them of the irritating sand grains, and to adjust to the brighter lights within the building. A quick shake of her braid rids it of some of the sand, and the same for her clothing, her verdant gaze lowering to glance somewhat guiltily at the grainy seasoning deposited from her clothing onto the floor.
Well..no time to sweep up.
Jogging lightly down the hall, she darts into a communication station, the few sparse attendants working quickly to take calls from various sources..and from the sound of it..most were about the weather. She nabbs a younger worker as he passes with a question about the storm outside. A few moments of prying reveals an uncharacteristic storm..a very big one, which, in addition to the sand, would soon be delivering large amounts of rain...and flooding.
"Notify all the outbuildings.. shops.. spaceport. Ground small spacecraft and send small shuttles coming in into orbit. Keep everyone inside the buildings until it is over."
The recruit nods and slips off... Raven retreating from the frantic room and stepping briskly down the hall..
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- Trio enters -- Skylark,Kestral and Ruby, 04:40:26 09/14/02 Sat

An arguement is heard between the two females.
"I'm telling you, light does not do that!"
"Do I care?"
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- Young woman enters -- Isra, 13:46:06 09/02/02 Mon
She looks around for a moment, letting her eyes adjust to the different light before walking over to the information desk.
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- ~Sleep~ -- Raven, 13:29:49 08/01/02 Thu
The distant, muffled buzz of machinery wafts into the circular council room. Raven shifts in her seat, glancing around the table with slightly annoyed inquisitiveness. Machinery? She should be hearing human voices..discussing the future plans of the Alliance... not the rumble of touch-up construction. How tedious.. were they all thinking over the subjects at hand or had they succumbed to countless hours without sleep?
Clearing her throat into the ominously quiet gloom, she leans forward slightly, resting her forearms upon the smooth table top as her darkly slitted gaze travels around the taken seats in the chamber to Tsunami.
"Liam, the Fed we captured, still has not been interrogated. I suggest we do so before he is able to think up too many convincing lies... I believe the medical staff is finished with him.."
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- Memo -- Badhbh, 14:24:05 07/25/02 Thu
A note for you all in the Lair..
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- ~return~ -- Fyre, 10:41:07 07/23/02 Tue
Did I miss anything?
~she asked of the expanding group, glancing into the room. She noticed a few new people - apparently recruits. She stepped in and took a seat, wondering what the rest of them had been up to...~
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- Entrance -- Errin, 09:09:00 07/12/02 Fri
Errin enters the Hall warily, not quite certain what to do now that she was actually here. With her hands clasped behind her back, Errin looks about for some assistance.
"Er... hello? Anyone here who can help me with getting a permit?"
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