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Date Posted: 08:37:47 02/05/00 Sat
Author: saint stephen
Subject: Building a progressive build to the Future; true and false self
In reply to: §Matt§ 's message, "Hehehe. New message head!" on 03:52:50 02/05/00 Sat

First on Building this bridge. I think the human experince is to temper us, to teach us something. What we are supposed to learn IN TOTAL is still an inigma to some extent, but I do not think a total destruction of perception and the way we have been molded by the universe to look at things as individuals should be irradicated. However, it definately needs to be cleansed of the desinger truths which have been instilled by years of milleniums of social engineering. I see truth as a boundless set of possibilities...what we make real is true to some extent, but if we limit it's posibilities it is not entirely true. To get to a point where the possibilities are endless, we must at least comprimise until we are wise enough not to abuse our unadulterated freedom...as in we must get to a point where we can persue what our cleansed perception shows us as individuals while maintaining a level of personal responsibility not to infinge upon someone else, and not to abuse our current levels of resources and space(which also could be boundless if we where working together to explore space more efficiently).
Second, lets talk about self...yes I agree, true self is a pure mirror of the soul which you should use to refelct the world around you...false self is an illusionary mirror of the world which reflects you as a false individual. People need to find within themselves a true sense of self and use that to alter their world, instead of finding a false sense of self in the world and using that reflection to define them. This doesn't mean that we should resist social interaction or what we find as pleasurable in this world, this means we should not be a slave to these things nor let them define us. We should meet them on our own terms and define how we will interact with them. A simple example: If you like chocolate pudding and have the chance to eat some, then be reasonable about it, don't go out of your way just to earn chocolate pudding so that you have altered your life so you can have it to abundance. Also, if it is chocolate you like and you have the reasonable oppertunity to eat it, then partake, don't eat tappioca simply because it is the cool and trendy thing to do. That is a pretty basic representation, we could expound upon it to deeper and more defining levels, but this is just a start.


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