Date Posted:22:59:10 01/28/00 Fri Author:saint stephen Subject: Re: So much talk about God...... In reply to:
's message, "Re: So much talk about God......" on 19:43:15 01/28/00 Fri
This is not an attack, it is a statement of how I observed you conducting yourself. You state that experince is experince, and if you have not had it, then you are not. I state that experince is and is not supposed to be precieved universally the same. In the past you have said there is only one truth, and this is a very limiting conclusion...I say all truths are reflections of a greater truth, and are not precieved the same way for a damned good reason. enough said, I am sorry if I insulted you, but this is was not my underlying intention. If you want direct quotes, I can scour all my reserve data from previous interaction with you, I am sure I have something...but I do not see the point in such a frivolous endevour for a myriad of reasons. Sorry if you mistook what I was trying to say, I have grown to realize that I some times come off as condensending or acusational when I am not intending to be, I just try to cut to the chase.