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Date Posted: 09:46:55 10/21/02 Mon
Author: BP
Subject: I was at the other end, and the cheer girlies in the short shorts were a significant improvement over last year. Don't try to post about Christianson on the MM boards, though. They'll delete your blasphemy. His parents must be so proud.
In reply to: Pablo 's message, "Thoughts and observations from Madness event today" on 00:22:55 10/21/02 Mon

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[> [> What complete bullshit (more)... -- Jesus Christ, 10:35:53 10/21/02 Mon

He is a 6-4 guard that came from a team that won 4 straight state championships in PA. He was varsity all four years, and only lost 11 games. The kid was first team all state, and he is a walk on for us! That is awesome in my book.

You know his parents and friends follow his progress on the net, and you can't post his name on the MM board without it being deleted. I apologize to his whole family for this whole affair. Some say that Nietzsche killed God, but alas, it was me.

I read Muskieman's comments about the word Christ being deleted because of an "agenda". "Some of the older guys have been around a long time and they deserve to read a board that is not dominated by one or two guys that have a different agenda than Xavier basketball." When I was posting as the SOG, I had half the posts of Muskieman, and somehow "I" was dominating the board. Also, I talked about Xavier basketball, and I am wondering just what agenda that Muskieman is talking about. I am a huge Xavier fan, and if I wasn't I wouldn't have been on these boards for years. If I had an agenda that didn't involve Xavier basketball, I wouldn't be on a Xavier basketball board promoting it. Muskieman is a fool.

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