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Date Posted: 23:07:51 08/21/03 Thu
Author: Jon
Subject: Re: 2004 GTO
In reply to: Matthew Burns 's message, "Re: 2004 GTO" on 15:19:41 12/16/02 Mon

No, we can't stop picking on imports. Keep your damn "Fast and the Furious" rice crunching, glorified erector-set spoiler wearing, ground effects and neon lights sporting, need a supercharger to produce any signifigant power, "monkey-shitting-in-a-barrel" sounding, bazooka muffler dragging on the ground hunks of crap. Anything you can do to an import to enhance performance,, you can do to a REAL performance car even better.

The GTO is an American icon,,, larger than just an automobile. It represents an era when "American" could be said with pride and still meant high quality. The scoops and spoilers you speak of were FUNCTIONAL! The car looked the way it did because it enhanced performance in that fashion. Function came first. The beauty of the car was achieved through functionality. Yes, it was originally a play of a mid-sized car that was spiced up,, but it WAS the first muscle car. It set the standard for what all other muscle cars were compared to, and will always represent power and elegance in a fine American automobile.

To fashion the GTO in another country based of another country's car design GM or not goes against what the GTO stands for. Sure the Monaro is a great car. If GM wants a great car to base the GTO off of, they should make one. The spicing up of a less 'exciting' design may have been how the GTO was born, but, immediatly after the first couple years (when it was just a performance package), AND FROM THEN ON, the GTO defined the GTO, as it should today.

If GM couldn't make another American Icon car on their own, that wasn't just a bunch of non-functional scoops and spoilers, then they shouldn't have resurrected the GTO name. I'd buy one, I'm sure its a great car,, but its NOT a GTO.

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[> [> [> Re: 2004 GTO -- mario, 13:10:41 04/21/05 Thu

i own an 04 yellow gto m6, its the best car that i have ever driven. i'm also into fixin up import cars, our car club has many different import cars in it and i have driven most of them. after i got my goat, i forgot all about the import world, now, 16,000+ miles later , its very hard for me to get out of this gto. and there arent too many cars on the road that can beat my car. If you have some bad things to say about the 04 05 GTO, i would reccomend that you buy one , if you can afford it, and then finally comment on the goat.

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