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Date Posted: 14:06:17 02/07/12 Tue
Author: Mamusz ()
Subject: Re: Will the real Restoration church please stand up . . .
In reply to: Lois 's message, "Re: Will the real Restoration church please stand up . . ." on 19:47:42 02/06/12 Mon

>Joseph Smith Jr. did exactly as we are admonished to
>do in the scriptures. We are admonished to ask of God.
>But the leadership of the RLDS/CofC would have smacked
>him up the side of the head for what he did. They say
>that Joseph Smith Jr. asked an improper question of
>God. Oh, no he didn't. His question was very proper. I
>guess that is one of the reasons that they denigrate
>him so much. They are no different from the religious
>leaders of his day who persecuted him for having the
>nerve to have conversed with God and Christ. Yet we
>are supposed to believe that Steve Veazey receives the
>"guidance of God’s Spirit".
>But I guess demanding of God as to why a homosexual
>can't be in the priesthood or have their relationships
>blessed is a proper question. For someone who lacks
>wisdom it would be a proper question. But the people
>asking have the scriptures available. Since they don't
>like the answer they have to rationalize why God is
>James Chapter 1
>5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that
>giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth
; and it shall be given him.
>A Study Paper Prepared for the
>Curriculum Consultation Committee
>Prepared by the Department
>of Religious Education
>October, 1967
>Page 2
>There are some questions for which there is no correct
>answer simply because the question itself is
. It would appear that many of our
>difficulties in terms of a viable doctrine of the
>church proceed from the fact that we have believed
>such a question as young Joseph asked was a proper
>question and therefore a proper answer can be worked
>out on its premises.
>Submitted by Lois
>Matthew 15
>7 O ye hypocrites! well did Esaias prophesy of you,
>saying, This people draw nigh unto me with their
>mouth, and honoreth me with their lips; but their
>heart is far from me.
>8 But in vain do they worship me, teaching the
>doctrines and the commandments of men.
> >href="http://www.cofchrist.org/news/2009/nov/wclc.asp">

>Group Discusses Tough Issues
>“The setting was the Temple, where 47 members of the
>Expanded World Church Leadership Council and other
>leaders spent several days discussing culturally
>respectful standards of conduct. They emphasized
>issues such as same-sex marriage and ordination of
>lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgendered members.”
>Some asked why the topics even needed to be
President Veazey replied:
>“Something has to happen…that helps us resolve this
>tension that is beginning to sap the energy of the
>church in some areas…so we can focus on missional
>“We are…at a very serious juncture.… Now is the time
>to gain a better sense of the way we want to approach
>the journey into the future.”

It seems I have not been reading the posts on this board like I should have. I am appalled to see how misleading the RLDS now the COC has become, and how they choose not to mention the founder of the RLDS was Joseph Smith Jr. - not Joseph Smith III.

They fail to understand what this church is all about. They fail to see what Jesus Christ was restoring and why.

Thank you, Lois for posting the facts.


Last edited by author: Tue February 07, 2012 15:06:27   Edited 1 time.

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