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Date Posted: 23:54:12 02/14/12 Tue
Author: George
Subject: Re: Which one is the real one? Look
In reply to: Lois 's message, "Re: Which one is the real one? Look" on 21:25:57 02/14/12 Tue

>>>>>The Community of Christ, as I have
>>>>>endeavored to point out in this thread, tries to be
>>>>>all things to all people. That is the reason that
>>>>>will be having National Conferences in the USA,
>>>>>Canada, and Australia/New Zealand in order to get
>>>>>homosexuality officially in place in "parts" of the
>>>>>church. They believe that Christians can operate at
>>>>>any moral level. Wrong!
>>>>>If you want to see the fracture in the Community of
>>>>>Christ, which they are so intent in trying to hide
>>>>>check out these two Facebook groups.
>>>>>Community of Christ
>>>>>Church/Religious Organization • Independence,
>>>>>This is the official Facebook page in which they
>>>>>keep everything squeaky clean and sweet.
>>>>>Community of Christ (open group)
>>>>> >>>>>href="http://www.facebook.com/groups/2205071906/">h

>>>>>This is the unofficial Facebook page on which
>>>>>homosexuals, atheists, and agnostics reign
>>>>>Jesus spoke of white-washed sepulchers.
>>>>>Submitted by Lois

>>>>Lois, I disagree with you. The CofC does not "try to
>>>>be all things to all people." My take is that the
>>>>has a definite personality that it chooses to show
>>>>only to its favored few. That is the reality. To
>>>>other group in the world, it pretends to be
>>>>what that group is looking for in order to exploit
>>>>that group's manpower, financial resources, and
>>>>That is why my former spiritual counselor said that
>>>>one should publicize the fact that one is "looking
>>>>a spouse." If one does, some member of the opposite
>>>>sex who needs something that one has will make him
>>>>herself appear to be a reasonable example of what
>>>>is looking for -- long enough to get what he or she
>>>>The NCC has been fooled. And the CofC got what it
>>>>wanted. Of course, some of its leaders may have
>>>>pretended to be fooled so as to save face later.
>>>>And of course, I read the letter to the editor in
>>>>"Herald" in which a former LDS wrote that her family
>>>>found the CofC a "breath of fresh air, after the
>>>>authoritarian" oppression "of the LDS Church." I
>>>>thought to myself, "Little does she know...."
>>>Yes, actually I know that you are right. For the time
>>>being they "tolerate" all viewpoints. But they are
>>>working toward corrupting all segments of the church.
>>>The National Conferences are only the first step.
>>>Obama and Hillary Clinton are already trying to tie
>>>foreign aid to the homosexual agenda. Besides that,
>>>one cofc leader already acknowledged, if a homosexual
>>>is ordained in a part of the church that accepts it,
>>>its ordination will be acknowledged for the whole
>>>church, Africa, Asia, Central and South America. One
>>>step at a time in their way.
>>I know, Lois. They are demonically clever. When a
>>constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage was
>>proposed, its opponents said that it was not necessary
>>-- the individual states could decide for themselves
>>whether they wanted to have same-sex marriage or not.
>>Wrong! Only an amendment could have banned it. Since
>>the Constitution states that each state must give full
>>faith and credit to contracts and covenants authorized
>>and executed in other states, all that is necessary is
>>for one state to vote for same sex marriage, and then
>>the activists will go to court to force all the other
>>states to do their bidding. This was the intention
>>from the get go.
>>Most of the cases taken to court to overturn existing
>>laws to make same sex marriage possible were staged.
>>They were not real cases. For instance, since almost
>>no one has sex in public, sodomy arrests were almost
>>nonexistent. However, in order to get the sodomy laws
>>reviewed by the Supreme Court, some homosexuals did
>>the following:
>>1. A "partnered" homosexual brought home a partner
>>outside the "partnership," and began having sex with
>>him in the apartment.
>>2. The other "partner" went and called the police and
>>reported that an armed man had broken into the
>>3. The police came, and since the two engaged in
>>sodomy made no effort to hide from the police, they
>>were arrested and charged.
>>The partner who called in the false report was also
>>arrested for filing a false report. Imagine that! He
>>was convicted, and the conviction was not overturned.
>>And having the police looking for a dangerous, armed
>>suspect, could have resulted in mayhem and death. But
>>the risk of violence and bloodshed was considered
>>worth it to legitimatize sodomy. After all, if one of
>>the conspirators had accidentally been killed, they'd
>>have become instant martyrs.
>>Ask the lady who was the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade. She
>>was recruited to create a "test case" against
>>abortion. She now repudiates her claim that she was
>>raped, and is now a strong opponent of foeticide.
>>When the time is ripe, the homosexuals will go to
>>court, along with homophiliacs such as the CofC
>>leadership, and they will persuade the Supreme Court
>>to declare by fiat that same sex marriage is the law
>>of the land. You see, none of these groups believes in
>>common consent, although they talk about it a lot.
>>The skulduggery involved in getting the RLDS church
>>into the NCC went very much like that, too. The
>>church was reassured that the leaders had absolutely
>>no intention of taking the church into the NCC. And
>>look what happened.
>>Politicians are not to be trueted, especially when
>>they are masquerading as men of the cloth.
>I live in Washington State, now the seventh to make
>same sex marriage legal. Supposedly the bill excepted
>churches. How long do you suppose it will take before
>some same gender couple looks at the prettiest church
>building in town and demands to have their "wedding"
>in it? Cake makers, dress makers, anyone that makes
>their living from weddings, is not except. Does it
>sound like the sign of the beast to you?

Lois, isn't it curious that the states were told that each would be able to decide the matter for itself; thus a constitutional amendment was unnecessary. However, as usual, that was a lie. If the state does not vote to approve same sex marriage, the activists, with the aid and comfort of liberal politicians, simply run over it. It's just like the CofC. Everyone is allowed to make his own choice, as long as is the decision that the leaders already ratified secretly before the matter was even initiated publicly.

Though the Bible is constantly denigrated by the CofC leadership, it covers this subject succinctly. In Proverbs 28:4, it says, "They who forsake the law praise the wicked; but those who keep the law contend with them."

I don't know anything about a beast. I do know that the days of the Maccabees are here again, because the land is deliberately profaned by its unrighteous rulers, and all who oppose them are called enemies of the people. And the religious syncretism vigorously pursued by the Community of Christ clearly indicates which side it is rooting for. It is most anxious to introduce this abomination of desolation to the Temple, and its christ has reportedly been swinging from the rafters thereof to indicate his approval.

Jesus said we would know the sign of the end when the defilement of the Abomination of Desolation once again made its appearance. This may not be the end of the world, but it will be the end of us as a nation. Every single Jew were expelled from Jerusalem, and a pagan temple was erected by the Romans on the Temple mount. I guess the dynamic equivalent of that for us would be for the Temple in Independence to be turned into a gay bath house.


I thought upon the judgments of God since the creation of heaven and earth;
I held God righteous in HIs judgments which have been from of old.
God laid bare their sins in the full light of day;
All the earth came to know the righteous judgments of God.
In secret places underground their iniquities were committed to provke Him to anger;
They wrought confusion, son with mother and father with daughter;
They committed adultery, every man with his neighbor's wife.
They concluded covenants with one another with an oath touching these things;
They plundered the sancturary of God, as though there were no avenger.
They trode the altar of the Lord, coming straight from all manner of uncleanness;
And with menstrual blood they defiled the sacrifices, as though these were common flesh.
They left no sin undone, wherein they surpassed not the heathen.
Psalms of Solomon 8:7-15

(According to Barclay, the Psalms of Solomon are found in the Greek Bible, although they are seldom translated or printed.)

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