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Date Posted: 07:32:11 06/20/13 Thu
Author: George
Subject: The Silencing of Richard Price -- Part Two

>>O.C> Well, that's what I want to say. They have
>>responded in ways that you probably are not aware of.
>>In the sense that, uh, they deny much of what you've
>>said. They deny it in many different ways. Uh, they've
>>not only denied it, but they've identified in detail,
>>the areas where "Decision Time" and "Saints at the
>>Crossroads" are inaccurate. They've detailed it.
>>RICHARD Where? I'd like to have it in print...
>>O.C> Uh-huh, well...
>>RICHARD Now there is one letter that they
>>wrote, I guess two or three of the administrators,
>>didn't even send me a copy...
>>DAVID Where you were compared to Judas
>>RICHARD That I was called a Judas, uh, in
>>regard to "Decision Time." And the only thing in that
>>paper that they said that I did wrong was that I said
>>that the church was based upon the scriptures. And
>>they proceeded to say that it was based upon the
>>writings or the, uh, workings of the First Presidency.
>>This is exactly the same doctrine that Brigham Young
>>put out. The living oracles, said Brigham Young, is
>>the word of the First Presidency and that supercedes
>>the scriptures. And that's exactly what they put in
>>that letter, and I've got a copy of it at home; I'd be
>>glad to send you one. In fact, I've mailed it out to a
>>good many people, because it said the only thing (they
>>didn't–they didn't say "the only thing,") but the only
>>thing that they said that I said was wrong was that
>>the church is based on the scriptures; and I still say
>>it is based on the scriptures. And you know it is.
>>O.C> The church is based on scripture?
>>RICHARD The church is based on the scriptures,
>>Joseph Smith, III tells us, and the First Presidency
>>does not have the right to supercede the scriptures.
>>[4 second pause]
>>O.C> I don't know that that has been a, uh, a
>>controversial issue.
>>RICHARD Well, this...
>>O.C> uh...
>>RICHARD ...the, uh, this is the answer that
>>they had in that letter concerning "Decision Time."
>>[Pause, then the single word after is obscured by the
>>following response]
>>DAVID Now is there one example of, of anything
>>that...what is one example where my father has
>>misquoted someone or made a mistake?
>>RICHARD Uh, let me add this for example: Where
>>is any statement in "The Saints at the Crossroads," I
>>mean anything the Presidency has ever said that I, uh,
>>misquoted or said incorrectly in "The Saints at the
>>Crossroads?" I want it in writing, because I have
>>never seen them say anything that I had in "The Saints
>>at the Crossroads" was, uh, false. Now they said I,
>>uh, uh, I, what's the word,
>>DAVID "Polarized "
>>RICHARD "maligned," and all of this, but they
>>didn't give any examples. No page numbers, no chapter
>>and verse.
>>[1 second pause]
>>O.C> Well, uh, of course, we may get to that
>>point, but uh...
>>RICHARD I hope so, I'd appreciate it.
>>O.C> In addition to that fact, I need to share
>>this with you, too. I suspect that as well-versed as
>>you are in reading, according to what you, and, uh,
>>what David and others have said about your, uh,
>>background in history, you know that the participation
>>of uh, your role as a ... a, uh, participant, for
>>example, in the "Restoration Voice" or in the
>>publication of the materials that you've already
>>published, and those that you plan to publish from
>>this 197...1985 letter that you've recently published
>>to the saints, is in contradiction to the editorial
>>policy of the First Presidency.
>>O.C> "Why?" If you haven't read it, of course,
>>you need to read it.
>>RICHARD Well, I've got a copy of it.
>>O.C> You have a copy of ...
>>RICHARD Yeah...
>>O.C> ...the editorial policy?
>>RICHARD Yes, sir, they, uh, published it in The
>>Presidential Papers, and I read it very carefully, and
>>then, uh, Apostle, uh, Schaefer sent us a copy of it;
>>thought maybe we didn't know anything about it. Yes,
>>we haven't heard [unintelligible word], but see they
>>made one mistake. When the Presidency is telling us
>>that only they have the right to, uh, uh, editorial,
>>uh, rights of the church. This isn't true. You see,
>>the Doctrine and Covenants tells us that all things
>>shall be done by common consent in the church, and
>>there is no common consent unless there is freedom of
>>the press, freedom of speech, and, uh, freedom of
>>O.C> You don't take the rule out of the GCR,
>>then, as applicable?
>>RICHARD Well, the, uh, it's superceded by the
>>Doctrine and Covenants. You cannot have free, uh, uh,
>>what's the term, uh, in the Doctrine and Covenants,
>>DAVID Common consent.
>>RICHARD Common consent unless people know
>>what's going on. And they can't know what's going on
>>unless somebody either preaches or teaches them, or
>>prints, uh, the other side of the story. And the
>>Presidency is only putting out one side of the story,
>>as you very well know, they won't allow anybody to
>>publish anything contrary to them, and people don't
>>know what's going on; there's no way for them to find
>>out, they go to the general con... uh, or to the stake
>>conference, and you won't, uh, allow people to, uh,
>>say things that you think would be detrimental, and,
>>uh, so, where are we? We, we don't have any freedom of
>>speech in the church.
>>DAVID Surely you're not, I hope you're not
>>defending the position that my father not only doesn't
>>have the right, but should not be encouraged to
>>reprint, uh, uh, past, uh, Spiritual Herald articles,
>>[unintelligible word] past testimonies, past, uh,
>>portions of the church history which, of course, you
>>never see in the Herald anymore. Uh, he shouldn't
>>print modern day testimonials, uh, in "The Restoration
>>Voice." Uh, what harm is being done to our membership
>>in, uh, uh, testifying of Jesus Christ as the Savior,
>>and Zion, the hope of the world, and the validity of
>>the Book of Mormon? What, what great crime is Richard
>>Price committing in testifying of the Christ?
>>O.C> I presume, Richard, you were a participant
>>in agreeing to the Ivan Bird article in the
>>November-December issue of "The Restoration Voice..."
>>RICHARD I saw it.
>>O.C> ...on page 3...
>>RICHARD That's right.
>>O.C> ...which specifically refers to "my
>>church is being polluted," "I will cleanse the
>>church," and all that kind of thing, which is an
>>indictment on the leadership of the church. That isn't
>>spiritual ministry coming across to the people.
>>RICHARD That is. After all, they've published
>>the Presidential Papers, which said that there is no
>>Restoration and apostasy, and, uh, never was one, and
>>that the church is not, uh, "restored," but that it
>>was just part of the, uh, uh, Christianity down
>>through the ages, and all this kind of thing, that
>>it's part of the universal church.
>>DAVID That God...
>>RICHARD This is the kind of thing....
>>DAVID That God and Christ did not appear to
>>Joseph Smith, in the grove.
>>RICHARD They even imply that there isn't but
>>one person in the Godhead, and all of this kind of
>>O.C> Well, you're leaning very heavily on the
>>Position Papers a lot, and, as you know, from what the
>>First Presidency has said, that was never an official
>>position of the church.
>>RICHARD Oh, now wait a minute. There is three
>>members of the First Presidency...two
>>members, and three of the apostles, that approved the
>>first, the , uh, Position Papers, and Draper even said
>>"we had them write the papers."
>>O.C> But that doesn't mean it's the official
>>policy [another word breaks off and is obscured by the
>>next response]
>>DAVID Well it is, sir, when it's the basis of
>>the new curriculum. When it's admitted in, in the
>>board of the [unintelligible word or two] that it is
>>the basis of the new curriculum.
>>RICHARD Well, [Unintelligible word] explained
>>it as the basis of the new curriculum. And the new
>>curriculum was put out by the Presidency. I heard, uh,
>>Wallace get up and, and announce at the conference
>>that we're going to have a new curriculum, and so on,
>>and then, when it came out, they sponsored it, and all
>>of this.
>>O.C> You can have your point of view about it,
>>Richard, but that does not change what their belief
>>is. (10)Their belief is that it is not, and it never
>>was, and never was intended to be the official
>>position of the church.
>>DAVID Well, what if...
>>RICHARD Then how come they sponsored it...the
>>curriculum that came out of it? Don't you see that
>>they're just running around the bush?
>>DAVID Now, my father could say, then, by the
>>same token, that "The Saints at the Crossroads," and,
>>uh, Restoration Voice, and Decision Time, and The
>>Temple of the Lord book, in no way reflects my
>>father's viewpoints and in no way, uh, uh, can he be
>>held responsible for them. It's the very same thing.
>>They write things, and they claim that they are not
>>responsible. My father writes things. Why can't he
>>claim that he's not responsible?
>>O.C> Maybe he could claim it... if he wants
>>RICHARD I don't want to...
>>O.C> but his name is attached to it...
>>DAVID As are theirs.
>>O.C> ...and he is the author of it.
>>RICHARD Right.
>>DAVID As are they.
>>O.C> No, that is not the case. I'm ....
>>RICHARD No, they wrote ... are the authors of
>>The Presidential Papers...the First Presidency...
>>O.C> They may have been the authors of some
>>papers, or they may not have been; but the
>>position has always been...their position that, that,
>>what they represented was not the official position of
>>the church.
>>O.C> They were working papers...
>>RICHARD They, uh....
>>O.C> to test certain areas...
>>RICHARD Uh, they said this about the Position
>>Papers, which everybody knows they were just trying to
>>push the blame on someone else; but they didn't say
>>that about the Presidential Papers. They got up and
>>read them themselves, as their own doctrine, Wallace
>>and the other two, Wallace B., and the Presidential
>>Papers are definitely their papers, isn't that right?
>>They even said that in this last editorial.
>>DAVID On November 30, 1982, the First
>>Presidency sent a, uh, interoffice departmental
>>correspondence to the salaried staff of the executives
>>in the headquarters from the First
>>Presidency. "We did intend in the January 1979
>>meetings for appointees and the appointees of salaried
>>staff executives to establish a theological base for
>>the church program in the decade of the 1980's." This
>>was for the Faith to Grow program. And, uh, in brief,
>>that program, uh, they...they did in fact say that
>>"the apostasy and the restoration were not events that
>>happened," "it is demonic to insist the Book of Mormon
>>is true," "other churches have as much authority as
>>the RLDS Church," "The RLDS Church should not be
>>isolated and should join the World Council of
>>Churches," and that "the Faith to Grow program has as
>>its theological base the Presidential program." signed
>>"The First Presidency."
>>[Ten second pause]
>>O.C> When you set up this new publishing
>>company, uh, Richard, [two second pause] you
>>obviously made the decision then [one second pause]
>>that, uh, what you had begun in 1975, for example, or
>>maybe before, I don't know, but you obviously made the
>>decision that you were going to pursue the matter of
>>publishing this material, and, of course, you state in
>>your letter you're going to republish Saints at the
>>Crossroads and so on.
>>RICHARD Uh-huh.
>>O.C> Uh, on a long range view, irrespective of,
>>uh, whether or not it was in violation of the First
>>Presidency's editorial position, as is found in GCR
>>709, or irrespective of, uh, their willingness to, uh,
>>support you in that, you were going to go ahead and
>>set it up, and you did, of course, set it up. Uh, I
>>think that, along with everything else that has now
>>been done, places you ... your situation, uh, in a
>>very peculiar, uh, position. I think you've found
>>yourself now at a point where, if you want to test
>>this question of what is right and what is wrong,
>>though you have your own point of view, some people,
>>I'm told, are reporting that, uh, you are a parti...
>>participant in the "Herald Review," and nobody ever
>>signs those articles. Uh, even a member of your
>>family made that statement, I understand.
>>RICHARD Oh, is that right? Uh, who said
>>anything like that?
>>O.C> I'm also obviously curious...I don't know
>>whether you will state yes or no, if the article that
>>came in Saturday's "Examiner" was your publication.
>>RICHARD I had a part in it, but I didn't, uh,
>>there were about a dozen people involved and, uh, I
>>was a part of it.
>>O.C> Uh, all of the, all of that....
>>RICHARD Once again, now, this is freedom of the
>>press. People have got to have the right to see the
>>other side of the story, and, uh, being an elder, it's
>>my responsibility to see that the saints, uh, have a
>>right, and have the materials so that they can know
>>what's going on and make their own decisions. If you
>>notice in that statement in the "Examiner," I didn't
>>do anything but tell them that they needed to insist
>>on discussing and voting; and they have that right.
>>They've got a right in every congregation to vote on
>>whether that congregation is going to accept
>>this...that is common consent.
>>O.C> You don't accept the GCR, uh, that has to
>>do with... the jurisdiction.... usurping a right that
>>belongs to World Conference only?
>>RICHARD Well, Conference has a right to declare
>>whether or not, uh, such a thing is, uh, a law of the
>>church. But then it's up to the, the, uh, congregation
>>to accept...whether they're going to accept the law of
>>the church. It's up to the individual to accept
>>whether they're going to accept it.
>>O.C> If you....
>>RICHARD Just because the church declares
>>something is true, me, or anyone else as an
>>individual doesn't have to accept that. That's not
>>DAVID The guidelines...
>>RICHARD requirement of , uh, uh, membership.
>>DAVID The guidelines were not voted on by the
>>RICHARD The members...as you remember, Brother
>>Wayne Ham, I believe out at the Enoch
>>Hill, uh, one night they asked him whether he believed
>>in the Book of Mormon; and he said he didn't have to
>>believe in the Book of Mormon to be a member of the
>>church. And I don't have to believe in 156, or
>>whatever, uh, to be a member of the church. And Enoch
>>Hill, or any other group, doesn't have to accept
>>anything to be a member of the church. Uh, because we
>>have common consent, and freedom of the press, freedom
>>of speech.
>>O.C> Now let me make one thing certain, so that
>>it isn't taken off of this tape you're running
>>inaccurately. Wayne Ham does believe in the Book of
>>RICHARD Well, now I...
>>O.C> Let me pursue the point, though, that
>>you've made. You did at least state in the article in
>>the "Examiner" paper that Section 156 called for
>>DAVID I don't know if he made that statement or
>>RICHARD I didn't make that statement.
>>O.C> Well, somebody did...
>>RICHARD Yeah, all right...
>>O.C> ...because it's written there.
>>RICHARD Somebody made the statement, I can't
>>vouch for it...
>>O.C> So...it's not fact...
>>RICHARD It was not me, but it was in the
>>article because I didn't have the final say over it.
>>O.C> It does state specifically guidelines in
>>156. So, since specific guidelines were called for in
>>that section that is now the law of the church, only
>>the World Conference can deal with that, not a
>>congregation, nor a stake, nor a district, nor a
>>DAVID Then why is it being ... presented to the
>>Saints? Why not....
>>O.C> For their information.
>>((Cont in next post)

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