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Date Posted: 07:36:39 06/20/13 Thu
Author: George
Subject: The Silencing of Richard Price -- Part Three

>>DAVID But it's being enacted already.
>>O.C> They need to be informed about it...
>>DAVID But it's being enacted already...
>>O.C> That's the administrative right of the
>>administrators, to carry out what's required or called
>>for in Section 156, which is specific guidelines.
>>DAVID Yes, but it's being enacted without being
>>approved, is what you're s... telling me.
>>O.C> The LAW was approved. The guidelines is
>>the administrative function.
>>DAVID But the guidelines have not been
>>approved, but they're being enacted is what you're
>>telling me.
>>O.C> They were approved by the persons whose
>>responsibility it is to approve them, which is the
>>Joint Council.
>>DAVID But the Joint Council cannot change
>>church doctrine.
>>O.C> Well, David, you can deal with that anyway
>>you want to, but that's the way the church had to deal
>>with it, and the way they HAVE dealt with it.
>>DAVID I'm afraid the saints are going to deal
>>with it, uh, also. I might, if I could interject
>>something here, there was something stated about, uh,
>>uh, 156 being the law of the church now. If you would,
>>uh, reference, uh, the Temple School booklet
>>INTRODUCTION TO SCRIPTURE, with all of its faults and
>>difficulties, there's a very pertinent statement
>>toward the end by Brother F. Henry Edwards, where he
>>says after a document is brought to the Conference,
>>passes all the quorums, and passes all the
>>conferences, and is approved by the General
>>Conference, or "the World Conference," I, uh, as I
>>guess we're supposed to say today, it is still
>>not...I'm paraphrasing here...it is still not the
>>workable law of the church, it is still not in full
>>canonization. It is up to the people, then, whether
>>they will implement, or reject...
>>O.C> The guidelines is not a law... Guidelines
>>DAVID We're not speaking of guidelines. We're
>>talking about 156. I'm saying that even though the
>>Conference has, uh, tentatively, or has approved, uh,
>>the..the 156, Brother F. Henry Edwards, which, if I'm
>>not mistaken, WAS a member of the First Presidency, is
>>that correct, at one time?
>>O.C> Yes.
>>DAVID He, he states that it is still not the
>>law of the church as such, that it is up to each
>>individual whether they will accept this document.
>>O.C> You're misinterpreting something....
>>DAVID Uh, sir, I don't believe you've read it,
>>as I did last night.
>>O.C> Look, I know the law well enough, David,
>>to know that it's the law of the church. And
>>there's no way one person can change that. It's the
>>law of the church.
>>DAVID Well, we can say the same thing of many
>>scriptures, that there's no way the First
>>Presidency can change the laws of the church, simply
>>by stating that Christ won't return,
>>therefore, he will not return because, uh, Wallace B.
>>Smith has stated so, or W. Wallace Smith stated so, or
>>[last word obscured by O.C>'s response]
>>O.C> Well, Richard, I...
>>RICHARD Go back to the Restoration Voice. Now,
>>do you have some objections here to what I'm
>>O.C> I object, and I think the World... the
>>church has a right to object to such articles as Ivan
>>Bird wrote, and that you authorized to be put in the
>>Restoration Voice.
>>RICHARD, Well, all right, then you have that
>>right to object. Do you think that he, uh, said the
>>right thing or he said it was true?
>>O.C> What it's doing, is it's creating, uh,
>>confusion, distrust, it is, uh, throwing innuendos
>>left and right, it is placing the leadership of the
>>church under indictment, it's that kind of thing that
>>an elder in the church, Richard, does not have a right
>>to do.
>>RICHARD Ah, remember that it was not a
>>Restoration Voice, or Brother Bird, who, uh, started
>>all these things that you're speaking of. It's the
>>First Presidency who have changed, uh, the laws of the
>>church and the beliefs of the church, as far as
>>they're concerned, uh, and, of course, the church
>>doesn't change. The church is the same as it was when
>>Joseph Smith left it, and Joseph Smith the third, and
>>Israel A., and Fred M.; it has not changed, and it
>>will not change, and anybody who comes up with, uh,
>>doctrines and beliefs that are contrary to that,
>>disjunctive to that, are out of order, in apostasy,
>>and therefore, the only thing that can happen is that
>>the First Presidency must come back to the original
>>beliefs of the gospel, or, the church will split. And
>>you know that. There's no other way to go. The, uh,
>>people who really believe the gospel, as found in the
>>Three Standard Books, are not going to give it up.
>>They're not going to accept this that we've been
>>hearing for the last twenty years. Regardless of what
>>happens, they will not accept it, and they will, uh,
>>not continue to attend church where they are not
>>allowed to have it. That's why you're seeing all these
>>independent branches, uh, uh, coming here and there,
>>developing here and there.
>>DAVID We might add that we, my father and I, do
>>not sanction individuals starting new or different
>>churches, or declaring themselves "mighty and strong,"
>>or whatever else.
>>RICHARD You suggested at Enoch Hill that if the
>>people didn't like that, they could leave. Oh, these
>>people aren't going to leave; that is, they're not
>>going to leave the church.
>>O.C> I didn't say they could leave the church.
>>RICHARD There are a group of people out here in
>>Michigan who are leaving the church. They think
>>they'll have a thousand members by the end of the
>>year, but I'm opposed to this, because they are
>>saying, "Turn in your membership." They even sent me a
>>letter, "Turn in your membership, and come and join
>>us." But I won't turn in my membership. I'm going to
>>be here when these men are gone.
>>DAVID Even if you have to meet in your home in
>>the meantime.
>>O.C> You don't think for a moment that your
>>writings over the years have contributed to that, uh,
>>that divis....divisiveness?
>>RICHARD No, I didn't divide the church. The
>>First Presidency did. [unintelligible,] because all
>>I've ever taught and wrote came right out of the
>>scriptures. And if you can find anything that I've
>>written which is not in accord to the scriptures, then
>>I am going to publish that I have made a mistake, and
>>I'm going to apologize for it. But everything that I
>>have written is according to the scriptures and
>>according to the church history, and, uh, I can't
>>apologize for anything like that.
>>DAVID I'm sure that....
>>RICHARD Now we can't say that about the First
>>Presidency. Their materials are all disjunctive.
>>[2 second pause]
>>DAVID Before my father was, uh, forced into
>>this situation, you might say, was, as an elder who,
>>in the sixties and seventies, early seventies, was
>>after working a forty hour week, would go out to
>>homes, visiting on his own spare time. He, uh, and,
>>and also later on in, in contact with [unintelligible]
>>people who would come to him for counsel, we heard of,
>>uh, family break ups, and mental breakdowns, and even
>>heard of suicides, and individuals leaving the church,
>>individuals who were told they couldn't come back to
>>the congregation because they believed the Three
>>Standard Books. And I was myself chased out of, of a
>>Pennsylvania congregation, uh, treated very, uh, very
>>evilly, uh, uh, I had, uh, countered the church's
>>position on abortion, and, uh, also the National
>>Council of Churches,' and, uh, a high priest, uh, came
>>to my house to berate me that, uh, my position was
>>wrong, because even though abortion was murder, uh, if
>>the First Presidency said that it was all right, that
>>we were to support him. And, as my wife was beside me
>>there in the room, hearing it, five months pregnant,
>>uh, this is the type of thing that is happening.
>>People are... I had, uh, my, my, best man, uh,
>>confessed his belief, and he'd finally found Christ,
>>and believed that Joseph Smith was a true prophet, and
>>the Book of Mormon was true, and came to our church,
>>and saw such confusion and, and, uh, uh, hatred and
>>the way my father was treated, he went through a, a–I
>>don't make any excuses for it, but he, he lost his
>>faith temporarily, I guess you would say, and, uh,
>>tried all sorts of things to, uh, get over his pain,
>>and finally died one night, drunken, in a motorcycle
>>wreck. And I only think that if, if, if he hadn't seen
>>the confusion and the hatred against my father, that
>>maybe he'd be alive today. People have died because of
>>this situation.
>>O.C> I don't know anybody that....
>>DAVID And my father has NOT divided, he has not
>>confused, he has not cast innuendo. He is trying to
>>save lives.
>>O.C> I don't know anybody that hates Richard. I
>>do know a lot of people who feel like Richard has made
>>a number of serious mistakes in, uh, the attacks he's
>>made on the persons who have written, who've spoken,
>>by, uh, uh, reinterpreting for them what his point of
>>view was about what they had to say, or what they had
>>to write, and that in some cases, those people have
>>been greatly offended and felt that the right to do
>>what he did was not his.
>>RICHARD You, uh, mean to tell me that the First
>>Presidency mean to tell me that First Presidency
>>doesn't believe what I said they believed? Uh, and the
>>writers of the church, uh, you don't really believe
>>that these men don't believe what they're saying.
>>O.C> Well, let me cite you an example,...
>>RICHARD Yeah...
>>O.C> Richard. Uh, in your "Examiner" article in
>>1983, you had the fourth section. You identified
>>specifically the, uh, idea that the church was being
>>taken into the NCC and the WCC.
>>RICHARD You're speaking now of the, uh, one
>>that, uh, had to do with, uh, polygamy?
>>O.C> That's right...
>>RICHARD [unintelligible] uh, Brother Howard.
>>O.C> In the fourth section you didn't deal with
>>polygamy, you dealt with what you interpreted ‘the
>>liberalists of the church."
>>RICHARD Uh, huh.
>>O.C> Well, even though the Presidency denied
>>they were taking the church into the World Council and
>>National, you persisted in saying that they do.
>>RICHARD But Brother Cole said that he was proud
>>of the work that Brother Holmes had done in getting us
>>into the National Council of Churches.
>>O.C> We aren't in the National Council of
>>Churches, so...
>>O.C> ...Brother Cole was referring to some
>>commission work not the....
>>RICHARD He was referring to eight different
>>departments of the National Council of Churches that
>>our church belonged to. And, uh, we even had the names
>>of them in "The," uh, "Saints at the Crossroads."
>>You've got three chapters there about our relationship
>>with the National Council of Churches, and the
>>Presidency has never had anybody write...sit down and
>>write out what was wrong with it, so I could make a
>>retraction. Uh, you tell them this, that I'd be
>>glad to retract, uh, anything that I have, uh, that
>>isn't in plain English, black and white.
>>O.C> Did you read the March first Herald?
>>RICHARD Yes. Surely.
>>O.C> And that's a pretty clear statement that
>>they have made there.
>>DAVID But there's a clearer statement by
>>Brother Tyree...
>>RICHARD Yes, the clear statement is that they
>>are trying to tell this lady and all these other
>>people, whoever, that they believe in open discussion,
>>and they're interested in answering people, and this
>>kind of thing. And yet they go on to, to whitewash the
>>Position Papers again, which they had written, written
>>to their specifications, and then they proceeded to,
>>uh, try to tell us we shouldn't have it. They, uh,
>>tried to whitewash the Presidential Papers by saying
>>that we don't use it anymore, even though it says
>>right here, which you've already quoted, that they are
>>the basis for the Faith to Grow program. So, uh,
>>DAVID Something needs to be addressed here.
>>We've stated that the Presidency in no way, uh, wishes
>>to join the, uh, National Council of Churches, or, uh,
>>I guess associate. Here are the quotes of Brother
>>Tyree saying, stating that, uh, that we need to, we
>>must uh....
>>RICHARD Join the World Council of Churches....
>>DAVID Both...
>>RICHARD And Brother Cole's statement is in here
>>DAVID ...that "the struggle is just beginning
>>to join them, and that," uh, uh, "it would be
>>regrettable indeed if a single jurisdiction of the
>>World Church would see its way clear to make such a
>>move to not join while the remainder of the church DID
>>join," he tells us.
>>RICHARD Now...
>>DAVID We view, uh, many view association with
>>the NCC as traitorous, but they fail to see all the
>>wonderful things the WCC and NCC can do for us, and
>>how we must, we, we must join them, and join with
>>them. We're told over, and over, and over again,
>>chapter and verse: it's all here in the Presidential
>>RICHARD It's been in the Herald for years and
>>years and years everything that the World
>>Council does is great. They come out and tell about
>>DAVID Here's a whole pink pamphlet....
>>RICHARD ...but never anything against it.
>>DAVID ..."Join None of Them" were, was, uh,
>>Cumorah Books' pamphlet, over and over and over again
>>proves it. Now which quotes are incorrect? Which are
>>O.C> Uh, the official position of the First
>>Presidency you'll find quoted in that March first
>>Herald. It says, "No."
>>DAVID Even though they have...
>>[RICHARD & O.C> talking at once,
>>O.C> ...the First Presidency.
>>RICHARD Of course, they can change that
>>position tomorrow, when they get us in a position to
>>go in, and say, "Well now we've changed our position."
>>O.C> It also says that we have "no intention."
>>RICHARD All right. Uh, maybe they're going to
>>do like the National Council. They never did join it,
>>but they did get permission to join it. He sent
>>Brother Holmes to New, New York to meet with them, the
>>National Council, and he got permission, and I have a
>>letter from them, the National Council of Churches,
>>saying that they accepted us.
>>DAVID What you're saying is that....
>>RICHARD Maybe they won't ever sign the papers,
>>but they'll go along with them in every way. Uh, how
>>come it is, even the latest is, that Ann Smith, the
>>prophet's wife, is a member of the board of "Bread
>>for the World," which is a World Council of Churches
>>organization? Uh, maybe this is evidence that they're
>>never going to sign the papers to officially join, but
>>they are going to cooperate with them a hundred
>>percent. It's like, uh, somebody comes to Enoch Hill,
>>and, uh, doesn't join the church, but they join the
>>Zion's League, and the wife joins the women's
>>organization, and the man joins the, uh, men's club,
>>and attend church every Sunday, but they never are
>>baptized. And we have the same relationship here, with
>>the World Council of Churches. Brother Neff [name
>>obscured] got up and said at conference, that he was
>>in favor of joining the World Council of Churches. So,
>>uh, I don't know what kind of uh, what they have in
>>mind, but it sounds like double-talk.
>>O.C> I'm able to quote you their statement of
>>an official in the official part of the Herald.
>>RICHARD I read it.
>>O.C> The official statement?
>>RICHARD Yes, I know their official statement.
>>DAVID Can't you see...
>>RICHARD But it's exactly opposite of their
>>DAVID Can't you see how it confuses the
>>membership, and how they are dividing the
>>membership and confusing the membership with all the
>>money, and saying, "No we have nothing to do with it,"
>>and the next day they say, "We have everything to do
>>with it." Does that, doesn't that concern you a little
>>bit, that? Can't you see how the people would take
>>that to that the Presidency IS telling nontruthful
>>statements, that they are being misleading, they ARE
>>saying confusing things?
>>RICHARD If there's a problem in what is being
>>the confusion here, it's the Presidency that needs to
>>straighten out the confusion. Uh, what I have said is
>>not confusing. Uh, people can read it, and see that
>>what I'm writing has, comes right straight out of the
>>scriptures and has directly to do with the, uh,
>>original beliefs of the church. Now, the Presidency
>>themselves have published, uh, this idea of change.
>>Brother Draper, you know, I quote him in "Decision
>>Time," saying that they want to get rid of the church,
>>in which he didn't mean to get rid of the people or
>>the buildings, but to get rid of the Restoration
>>DAVID I believe the word he used was "destroy,"
>>wasn't it?
>>RICHARD No, it's "to get rid of."
>>DAVID Excuse me.
>>O.C> It also reminds me of the statement that
>>you made in that same fourth section that, uh, they
>>were trying to get, uh, to take the, uh, to take
>>Joseph Smith out of the church.
>>RICHARD Then what was the purpose of Brother
>>Howard's whole business here?
>>O.C> I don't know, but Brother Howard is not
>>the First Presidency.
>>RICHARD But Brother Howard is paid by the First
>>Presidency, and he doesn't say anything that they
>>don't approve.
>>O.C> What he does or doesn't say does not speak
>>for the First Presidency.
>>RICHARD Oh, yes, they wouldn't allow...do you
>>realize, you know them better than I do, that Brother
>>Tyree reads every word that goes through the Herald,
>>and nothing goes through without his permission. And
>>O.C> Oh, Brother, Brother Richard, they've said
>>many times, and not long ago, said it again, that
>>there are many articles that are written in the Herald
>>which, uh, they feel the people have a right to
>>express their point of view about, and may write it,
>>but if you want to know what the Presidency's official
>>position is, you find that on the official page.
>>RICHARD Uh, I...
>>DAVID The Restoration Voice reflects the
>>general theological outlook of, uh, the editors, and
>>editors-in-chief, and I'm sure the Herald reflects the
>>general theological outlook of the editors and
>>editors-in-chief. I can see a general slip-up every
>>once in a while, but year after year after year, of
>>this type of thing, uh, the only thing that I could
>>imagine here is the Presidency is so out of control of
>>the church that they cannot even control what is in
>>the church magazine. If in fact they don't agree with
>>these things, and if in fact they're going in month
>>after month after month, I'd be embarrassed to admit
>>that, if I were you. Either they are out of control of
>>what's going in, and they're just riding this wild
>>horse over the cliff, or they're helping it to go in.
>>RICHARD They're absolutely in control of it, as
>>you know. Now, are you trying to tell me, uh, uh, I
>>don't mean anything personal here, and the same way
>>with them, I have nothing against any of these men, I
>>don't dislike any of them, uh, I've never had any
>>run-ins with any of them. In fact, Alan Tyree and I
>>worked together out here in the Missouri development
>>area years ago, and got along very nicely. But are you
>>trying to tell me that you don't believe that, uh,
>>what they have put in the church publications all
>>these years is true? Do you really believe that the
>>Presidency IS trying to hang on to Joseph Smith and
>>the Three Standard Books?
>>O.C> Absolutely.
>>RICHARD How can they do it, and put out the
>>Presidential Papers that said there wasn't any
>>Restoration or apostasy?
>>DAVID That Christ DIDN'T appear, uh, didn't
>>appear to Joseph Smith in the grove.
>>RICHARD How can you believe that? Chet, I, I
>>wonder, uh, and again I don't want to be personal, but
>>I don't understand how that you can take the position
>>that you have.
>>O.C> My faith is that great. My belief.
>>RICHARD You believe in the Three Standard
>>Books? And in Joseph Smith as a prophet?
>>O.C> Absolutely.
>>RICHARD And yet, you believe that these men are
>>not trying to get rid of all that?
>>O.C> No, sir, they are not.
>>[Side One of the tape comes to an end, although the
>>conversation does not. It resumes again in progress on
>>Side Two]
>>O.C> ..or do. It is not an intent to support
>>the official church.
>>RICHARD Uh, you mean the church leaders. The
>>official church is the Three Standard Books, and the
>>people who stay with them. That's the official church.
>>That's where I am.
>>O.C> You have to interpret that, I guess, to
>>suit yourself.
>>RICHARD Well, yes. But that's the
>>interpretation that... so go ahead your doubt about
>>defending the church leaders.
>>O.C> I told you Sunday night, uh, I didn't plan
>>to use a tape recorder, you know...
>>RICHARD [unintelligible]
>>O.C> ... to sit down and talk with you face to
>>face doesn't require a tape recorder on my part.
>>O.C> I'm just as concerned about protecting the
>>church as you are.
>>RICHARD Well, uh, I won't deny that, uh, I
>>don't understand, but then, I, uh, know that people
>>have different perspectives.
>>O.C> Well, obviously the intent is that you
>>want to quote me. You want to quote me according to
>>whatever way it will support your plan or your
>>approach to any, uh, writings that you might want to
>>do, and you know, I, I have a question about that, as
>>to where the, where are the ethics in that kind of a
>>situation? What, where is the trust in it?
>>RICHARD Well the ethics is, that, uh, you're a
>>church-paid man, and that whatever you do, then,
>>affects the whole Center Stake. And maybe further. And
>>that, uh, therefore, uh, since I was called to be an
>>elder, I'm responsible, too. And, uh, therefore, we
>>have to, uh, stay with what is right as we understand
>>O.C> Brother, I've had twenty men in here
>>today, and I've never had one bring up a tape recorder
>>with him.
>>O.C> I suppose I go through that every day,
>>about that number, and I...
>>RICHARD [unintelligible]
>>O.C> ... and I never had one bring up a tape
>>DAVID It's obvious why the tape recorder's
>>here. This isn't, uh, a friendly or a social visit.
>>You called us for the purpose of counseling my father
>>on his actions. This goes without saying. Uh, this is
>>standard in all of boardroom, uh, conversations, many
>>business briefings, the World Conference is recorded
>>for historical purposes, legal conversations are
>>recorded for, for legal purposes, there's nothing
>>wrong with a tape recorder.
>>O.C> David, I asked to speak with your dad; I
>>RICHARD uh...
>>O.C> ...ask you to come. He did.
>>RICHARD I'll repeat...I'll agree with what he
>>said. Uh, the tape recorder is for, uh, my benefit and
>>yours. And whatever I publish out of it, I'm not going
>>to try to, uh, to uh, malign you at all. It was for my
>>protection, because, uh, I need to be able to know
>>what I said and what you said. Uh, we never know but
>>what we'll get into a situation...I don't know you.
>>Uh, and when [name unintelligible] came in to talk to
>>McArthur, uh, McArthur, uh, shouted at him, and, uh,
>>something fierce. And, uh, if I was going to have
>>that, well, I wanted [unintelligible] some protection.
>>O.C> I don't intend to shout.
>>RICHARD I see that.
>>DAVID If, if my, my parents' home....
>>RICHARD [unintelligible]
>>DAVID If my parents were sued for their home as
>>Dorothy Christina was, uh, a tape of these proceedings
>>would be, uh, valuable.
>>O.C> Well, I'm not here tonight, Richard, to,
>>uh, talk about your membership. I do think the whole
>>question about what's happened over the past...what
>>has happened over the past several years brings into
>>question your eldership. But it doesn't bring into
>>question your...I'm not here to discuss your
>>membership. It was Dorothy Christina's membership that
>>was in question.
>>RICHARD Well, she didn't have membership.
>>O.C> Well, whatever. But in this case, I think
>>the, the question about your eldership has to be
>>brought into question. And let me just tell you that
>>my interest in Richard Price in no way is predicated
>>upon any desire to inflict any hurt or damage on that
>>RICHARD I appreciate that.
>>O.C> I, I'm interested, if it's at all
>>possible, to bring about some reconciliation.
>>RICHARD Well....
>>O.C> It's obvious from the position you're
>>taking this evening, and everything else I've heard
>>you say or write, uh, it isn't in the cards right now
>>for you to restate, review, or even reconsider the
>>positions you've taken, because they're pretty firm.
>>RICHARD Well, let me say that if there's
>>anything that I've written and, uh, I might say that
>>all of what I write, of what's tape recorded, uh, is
>>my official position. Anything I've written, if they
>>can find it isn't true according to the scriptures, I
>>will gladly retract. Anything. But, I want to say
>>this, that the position I've taken in the things that
>>I've written are to defend the scriptures and proclaim
>>the original beliefs of the church. That's my
>>business, to proclaim the original teachings of the
>>church. And I want to stay with that as long as I
>>O.C> Can't you do that, Richard, without
>>attacking individuals?
>>RICHARD I haven't attacked individuals. I have
>>quoted them and told how they have mis, uh,
>>quoted, how they have told falsehoods, how they have
>>departed from the scriptures, how that they are not
>>any longer in tune with the Reorganized Church ...
>>DAVID ...by their own admission...
>>>((Cont in next post)

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