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Subject: **Steps towards Casey**

Klik Redwolf
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Date Posted: 13:38:13 10/26/02 Sat
In reply to: Casey 's message, "**Limps towards the wolf**" on 23:09:36 10/24/02 Thu

**the wolf softly steps to Casey... tilting his head touching her arm softly with his paw... he looks up to her reassuringly and takes her arm, bringing his cold nose to the wound and sniffing it...**


"this smells like blood... which is good.. my mother was a nurse.. if it smells like cheese you have a problem... although some of our comrades might be a bit hungry... and try to eat you...", he says attempting to break the uneasyness.

**a soft chuckle emitts from the wolf's growling throat. he softly lets go of the arm and stands up tall, shutting his piercing eyes**

Aye, I have seen him at the abbey before I left. **he smiles and ponders a moment**

My brothers taught me something... they were feared for in battle. It is called Adrenaline Power... by sending your emotions through war cry's your adrenaline increases and you become stronger then you truly are... perhaps this would become useful to some of our younger one's...

**with that he stands, turning his head to look over the area, hoping others have made it back home**

**he turns his head back to Casey with a slight grin**

"It was foot and tail there for a bit.. I though the pretty lil abbess was lunch meat... although I wouldnt worry about Jask too much... seems the true threat is gone.. unless they come in a second wave... if that happens then we should worry..."

**with that he places a paw upon a large rock and arches his back, letting out a fierce victory cry that can be heard throughout Quanshaire**


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**Closes her eyes**Casey and Rio23:02:01 10/26/02 Sat

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